The Botanical Garden. [13 part 2]

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"Okay~ Here we are~" Luz cooed, undoing the knot on Mrs.Hazel's bandana.

The teacher adjusted her eyes to the light, putting her glasses back on, awhing in amazement. "You- I-"

"It's pretty right? Come on let's go walk around!"

Prince finally caught up, trotting beside them as they explored the green scenery. Sunflowers over 7ft tall, willow trees that brushed their heads when they passed it, everything was green. It was amazing, truly breath taking. "Alright, you three going to look at all this without me?" Sarah asked.

"Heavens no, we were saving the best for you." Mrs.Hazel said. "Luz was pretty persistent."

"Ms.Sarah come come!" Luz exclaimed, excitedly waving her over.

"It's just Sarah."




"Luz, I'm going to start calling you BusKid.Luz if you don't call me Sarah."

"Me Sarah!"

"You goober." The women laughed, ruffling her hair.

"Mrs.Hazellll!" Luz whined, trying to push Sarah away.

Prince barked, nudging the floral teacher. "Sarah, leave the girl alone."


"You're ruining her hair."

Sarah looked down at Luz, the witches hair very fritzy. She ruffled her hair more, Luz wailing and trying to push her away. "Okay okay! Sarah! I'll call you Sarah!"

The human pulled her hand back, smiling victoriously. "Come on, I'll buy lunch." Sarah stated.

"Lunch sounds nice." Mrs.Hazel responded.

Luz and Prince gave eachother an odd look, sensing a change of emotion in the group. "Mrs.Hazel, what's your name?"

"Elizabeth, but I go by Liz."

"That's a beautiful name, matches their owner." Sarah teased.

Luz ooed, Prince nudging Sarah closer to Elizabeth. Luz cleared her throat, catching everyone's attention. "So, about lunch.."


"Prince! Leave that poor fox alone!"

He let out a questioning whine, no longer grooming the fox. "He cleans himself when he wants to!"

Prince got back up, nudging the fox and trotting back to Luz. 'Ring Ring' Luz felt her pockets, no that's not her phone, Sarah felt hers, nope, not hers etheir. They both looked over at Liz, the floral teacher flinching and quickly taking her phone out. She answered it, putting the phone up against her ear.

She swallowed the food in her mouth, clearing her throat, adjusting her glasses just a bit. "Hey hubby! Is something wrong?"

Luz glanced at Sarah, the bus driver having a calm state. "I'm at a field trip hun, I'm busy.." Liz mumbled. "What am I doing? I'm eating, I'll call you back later!"

The man, woman, or undecided shouted at her, Liz hanging up and turning off her device. "Right. She's mad.."

'Ring Ring' Luz felt her pockets, this time it was hers. She pulled her phone out, answering the call and putting it up against her ear. "Hello?"

"Luz where are you?"

"Skara? But Amelia called.."

"She asked me to call for Amity since she's stressing out because she hasn't seen you in 30 minutes-"


Luz moved her phone away from her ear, Amity continuing to panic in the background. "I'm doing the thing Skara, we're by the lunch area."

"The one by the big maple tree?"


"We'll be there in a few minutes. Be prepared for Amity Questions."

"Okay, bye."


Skara hung up, Luz putting her phone away and continuing to eat. Sarah stiffled a laugh, also joining her in finishing her meal.

Around six (6) minutes later, Prince barked, nudging Luz roughly. "Oh they're already here?" The witch questioned, looking back.

Amelia spotted Luz first, sending her a small wave, the witch sending one back. Amelia talked with someone, Amity peeking around the corner and spotting Luz. Prince got up, rushing over to the human he bet on winning Luz's heart. He jumped in to Amity's arms, nuzzling in to the crook of her neck. "Prince you're heavy!" Amity shouted, falling back in the grass.

Luz giggled, excusing herself and going over to her friends. Prince surrounded her, his tail lining up perfectly with the human. Amity looked up at Luz, Prince's tail wagging furiously, looking like it was Amity's tail showing how excited she was. "You alright?"

"Yeah- I'm fine." Amity blurted out.

Luz held her hand out, Amity hesitantly taking it and being pulled up. "Is it ready or..?" Luz inquired.

"Almost, Skara's staying back to keep an eye on everyone till we finish." Amelia chimed in.

Luz hummed, nodding slowly. A pair of footsteps came up behind her, the witch looking back, and up. "Lilith!" She exclaimed, hugging the woman. "I missed you!"

The tall slender woman with indigo hair hugged Luz back, the younger witch releasing purrs. "Eda told me to keep an eye on you till you could go home, book still in tact?"

"Mhm, she put a small curse on it. How have you been auntie?"

"Been okay, Raven is somewhere around here, seen em?" The woman asked, pushing Luz back gently.

The witchling shook her head, Lilith humming quietly. "Amity, gotta talk to you." Lilith hissed, looking at the Blight.

"N-No thanks- Boscha gave me the talk already- Almost passed out-" She blurted out. "Very threatening-"

"Met the group of idiots?"

"Jerbo is actually pretty smart-"

"Well he hangs out with idiots that makes him one." Lilith muttered.

Luz elbowed her, the older woman smiling nervously. "Not you though Luz, you're smarter then my sister."

"Boscha's smart too though! Sometimes.." Luz whispered the last bit.

"My point exactly! You healing okay?"

Luz nodded; "They sting just a bit, why haven't you visited us back home?"

"We'll talk about this later, a place more private." Lilith assured, glancing at Amelia. "Having lunch without me are you?"

"I didn't know you'd be here, I still have some left over, come eat with me!"

Prince let out a bark, the witches looking down at him, then up. A white Raven landed on Luz's shoulder, nuzzling her cheek, cooing quietly. "Where'd you fly off to?" Lilith asked.

They waved their wings like they were shrugging, pointing to the right. Luz scratched their chin, taking Lilith's hand and dragging her over to the table they were at, Prince following closely. "You met her old friends?" Amelia finally asked.

"Over the phone if that counts.." Amity mumbled.

"Oh. You hungry?"

"I could eat yeah."

"You're paying-" Amelia blurted out, quickly rushing to the tables.

Amity gasped: "AM NOT!"

To be continued.

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