Bowling. [36 part 2]

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Luz was taught the basics before they payed, and that was the biggest issue out of the day. "I'll pay-" Luz and Amity said in unison, both looking at one another. "No I got it- I can pay- Stop copying me!"

"Luz, I'll pay." Amity muttered.

"No Amity, I'll pay." Luz insisted. "I-"

Amity elbowed Luz away, offering her credit card to the woman, "I'll pay."

Luz snatched the card, placing her money on the counter, stepping away as the woman nervously took the cash. "I will pay." Luz hissed.

The witch waited til the leftover cash was handed back, Luz handing Amity her card back, "Thanks Luz." Willow said, taking her bowling shoes.

"Yeah thanks Luz." Skara also said, taking her shoes.

"Appreciate it Luz!" Gus smiled grabbing his shoes and following the others.

Amity glared at the witch as the human took her shoes, the witch giving her a bright, petty, smile. "I told you I'd pay."

"Well, I didn't want you to. I could've easily paid." Amity huffed, putting her credit card away. "But you wouldn't let me."

"I can't have you paying for everything Amity, thank you." Luz quickly said, taking her receipt and shoes, going after the Blight. "Then I'd just feel like I'm stealing money from you. And that's not a nice feeling."

"I could absolutely take hugs as payment Luz." Amity stated.

"Mm..That's not fair though. Like, at all!" Luz exclaimed, walking beside her. "Amity I'm very glad you feel willing enough to pay but I don't want you to. Not for everything, if you invite me, you're paying because you're inviting me. If you're asking if I want to go, then we split it. You asked me to come, not if I wanted to but that's besides the point- I wanted to pay. This is my way of thanking you for letting me come!"

Amity took Luz's hand, the witch gently nudging her, "Mm. I guess that's okay. But don't pay next time, I-"

"We all will. Skara said she wanted to go have dinner in the evening with us after school on Monday did she not?"

"She did, yeah."

"Then we split it. Okay?"

Amity nodded slowly, "Okay."


Everytime someone hit a bowling pin or release the ball, Luz would flinch. She hated the sound. It was..Like a chair being thrown up against a wall. Only for the now broken chair to be changed out to a new one. Over and over again. She would never get used to it, the sound brought back far too many memories.

Amity insisted Luz just go hang out with Gus at the arcade, the male wanting to have as much time as possible to get as many points in the three (3), maybe four (4) hours he had to get the best prize. The witch declined everytime, and hated when it was her turn. Not because of the noise, but because the ball was heavy and it would always go in the gutter.

Skara tried to help, but she also sucked and wouldn't take her own advice. Willow had assisted Luz, and got her to knock down one (1) pin. Luz was very excited to do so, talking about it with Amity til it was her turn again. "Oh, my turn. Hold that thought, give me a second."

Luz nodded, Amity getting up from her seat, going over to where the bowling balls came back up. She found the ball she used, sliding her fingers in, thankfully removing her nails the day before. She made sure she was in the right place, pulling her arm back, and rolling the ball forward.

It hit all but one pin, all letting out a small groan, "It's okay Cap, you can get the last one!" Skara exclaimed.

Amity got another bowling ball, knowing very well she wouldn't be able to hit the last pin, because it was in the corner. She released the ball, nervously waiting for it to tip or knock the pin over. Nope. Amity grumbled quietly, going back to Luz, "It was close, sorry, continue."

The witch was glad Amity didn't change the subject, she actually got to talk about stuff she wanted to mention. She wasn't allowed to do this with her..Erm..Old Guardian. He never let her do this, Eda was always too busy to hear her talk because of work, and Luz thought her friends would like her more quiet, so she stayed silent.

Until Boscha would often bring up something Luz did the day before or ask her a question, wanting her to tell a dumb story, or just, anything that interested the witchling. Amity was like her. A nice sister. A very nice sister- 'No, my friend. Of course! She's just a very good friend!' Luz thought, flinching once more when someone on another alley got a strike.

They cheered, Amity covering Luz's ears, the witch trembling slightly, waiting for their screams of joy to quiet down. When it did, Amity carefully moved her hands down to Luz's cheek, "It's alright. We can stop-"

"No. No it's okay. I-I can handle it. Nothing wrong about some..Some uh.. What was this game called?" Luz whispered.

Amity facepalmed, the witch quietly apologizing. "It's called Bowling Luz."

The witch nodded slowly, repeating that word to herself a few times before she got the hang of it. "Yes, when we complete the game we can stop."

"Luz you don't have to force yourself to play, I don't mind if you want to leave." Amity assured, taking her hand. "It's okay, I'll be happier if you told me if you actually wanted to play."

The witch shook her head slowly, flinching and immediately covering her ears when the bowling ball hit the pins. She was distracted. She had to prepare for it first, but she had to get distracted. Amity pulled her up, waving at Willow, the human knowing what she meant, waving them off.

Amity pulled Luz in a side hug, guiding her to the arcade by the bowling alley. It was quiet as no one but Gus and a few kids were here, so that was a pro. Con, Luz didn't know what the heck any of this was. "You can play with Porter, we'll take your name out of the game so you don't have to come back to play your turn." Amity said.

Luz pulled her hands away from her ears, examining the machines that beeped and glowed. "Erm..What..Are these things?"

"Arcade machines."

"Arreeecccaaadddeee." Luz muttered. "What do they do?"

"Crap, forgot you didn't know much about this yet. Well, come on, I'll show you." Amity said, taking Luz's hand. "Okay?"

The witch nodded, walking beside the human, "Okay!"

To be continued.

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