The magic man. [42 part 2]

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Zach was temporarily suspended, he had a good point to start a fight, but he started a fight. Amazing I know, but Sarah was kinda mad. "Zach-"

"I'm sowwy.."

"Zach, it's okay. But you can't hit kids."

He frowned, tears welling up in his eyes, "He cwalled you a bad word.."

"Hey, buddy, I don't care what he thinks of me. I care about what you or I think about me, because that's what's more important." Sarah said, pulling up in the driveway. "Until I finish my shift, you're staying with Greg."

Zach nodded, "Okay.."

"Or, you can stay with Luz."

He perked up, looking up at Sarah, "Wuz?"

"Yep, she's free right now, when she starts work, I finish." Sarah explained. "Luz or Greg?"

"I don't want Gweg to feel bad.." Zach mumbled.

Sarah ruffled his hair, "He does go with his dad today anyways..~" Sarah tempted the younger boy.


"Good answer." Sarah smirked, pulling back out of the driveway. "She'll help you do your homework, and she might even make you lunch~"

"Diwosaur nuggies?"

"Well, you'll have to ask her. You just better behave ya hear?"

"Here here!"


Sarah dropped Zach off, having to get back to work. Right now, you all have the opportunity to have more of Zach and Luz hanging out, but hey, Sarah is better- Oh, you want to read about Zach and Luz? Really? Awh, how could I say no to you guys?~ Fine, here you go.

When Luz closed the door, Zach had already hung up his jacket and hat on the hooks. He put his shoes by Luz's, fixing his hair a bit, looking up at the witch, "Tank you for we-Letting me stay!"

"You are very welcome Zach." Luz cooed, pinching his cute cheeks. "Sarah said I'd help you with your homework, care to show me?"

Zach nodded, taking off his backpack, hanging it on the shorter hooks, unzipping his bag, taking out a folder, and offering it to Luz. She took it, Zach closing his backpack, taking the folder back, opening it. "Thwese are mwore impo-" He blew raspberry, needing to restart his train of thought. "Im-port-ant!"

Luz looked at the math and language papers, nodding, "Come on, let's go sit at the table." Luz spoke, leading the way.

Zach followed, picking a seat, pulling out the chair, carefully getting up, placing his folder on the table. Luz sat beside him, Zach sliding the folder to meet the middle. "Mom explains! Can you?"

Luz nodded, "I'll help you out, do you have a pencil?"

Zach took one from behind his ear, Luz being suprised and unaware of it being there. "How-" Luz gasped. "Do that again!"

The boy put the pencil behind his ear, reaching for Luz's, pulling it out from behind hers. "Oh my what-" Luz felt her ears. "There's- Ha! That's amazing!"

Zach smiled, giving her a smug grin, "I know."

"You should show that to Prince, he'd go ballistic-" Luz laughed.

The pets room opened, Prince and Mattias coming out, Nero on the bigger dogs back. Prince trotted over to the new human, sniffing him out, licking his hand, "Doggie!"

"Yes that's what I am! I'm a dog! Am I good one? I think so-" Prince barked to himself, shaking his head, getting on his hind legs, licking Zach's face.

The boy giggled, trying to push Prince away, the mutt pulling back a bit, huffing in Zach's face. "Eww! Dog slobber!" Zach laughed. "Want to see a magic trick?"

Prince tilted his head to the side, "A magic trick? Luz can do magic, she's good at it-"

"Prince, hush." Mattias huffed, laying down by the chair.

Nero got down by his side, grooming himself. Zach put the pencil behind his ear, showing his hands, empty, except they weren't. He reached behind Prince's ear, pulling the pencil out. "OH MY WOW!!" Prince barked, sniffing the pencil.

He backed up, shaking his head, running around in circles, coming back to Zach, sniffing the pencil again, then running in to his room, back to Zach, and finally Luz. "DID YOU SEE THAT? THAT BOY IS A MAGICIAN!" Prince barked, his tail wagging furiously.

Luz pat his head, "Cool huh?"



Prince panted, a grin on his muzzle as his tounge stuck out, "Amazing~~" Prince howled.

Mattias perked up, sitting upright, following the howl. "BE QUIET! I'M TRYING TO READ!!" Viney shouted from upstairs.

The fox gekkered, Nero yowling, everyone falling silent. "Idiots.." Nero hissed quietly, rolling his eyes.

Zach howled quietly, Prince starting up the howls again, the commotion starting up again. This was definitely going to be a good day.


Luz had assisted Zach with his homework, made him dinosaur shaped sandwiches with a side of boo-berries and strawberries. Then they did some reading for Zach's class, had his wound treated again, then it was time to take a break. "That one that one!" Zach exclaimed, patting Luz's arms, pointing to the TV.

The witch went back, "This one?"

"Yes yes!" Zach exclaimed.

"We are Back?" Luz clarified.

Zach nodded, "Rex is my favorite! Please put that one on!"

Luz shrugged, selecting that movie, pressing watch from beginning, the movie starting up with someone humming, maybe whistling? But Zach was already happy, humming along with the other character. A knock on the door caught Luz's attention, the witch moving Zach off her lap and down in the bean bag chair.

She pat his head, Luz exiting her room, going downstairs, Mattias coming out, hoping it was Ay. Luz unlocked and opened the door a bit, peeking out, "Oh, you're that guy that dropped off Mattias' dog food." Luz said, opening the door. "Come to pick Mattias up?"

He was silent, but he nodded slowly, Mattias looking past him, no Ay. "Ask where Ay is.." Mattias barked.

"Where's Ay?"


Luz saddened slightly, that wasn't a cheerful tone, and she certainly didn't like the fact he was sad, "He's hurt.. Isn't he..?"

He tensed. "Heart attack..Hospital now.."

Mattias stepped back, his tail tucking in between his legs, "Press him for further information." Mattias huffed.

"Is he alright?"

He nodded, "He not dying. He now recovery, very fast. He believe death is for weak. He strong. He want Mattias to visit, we take dog back."

Mattias nudged Luz's hand, the witch patting his head, the dog going to the room, coming back with a stuffie and his bedtime hat. "We'll visit you next time Mattias, and you better be able to beat Prince next time." Luz said, squatting down by him.

He nuzzled her cheek, Luz getting back up, the man bowing his head, turning around, going back to the limo with Mattias. He opened the door for him, Mattias hopping in, the man getting in by him, then he closed the door. The limo made a u-turn, zooming on by, then, silence in the street.

Luz's ears perked up, the witch peeking out of the house, she shook her head, pulling back, and closing the door. 'Nothing fell out with Viney, nothing dangerous came out, no one is getting hurt..' Luz tensed. 'At least I hope not..'

To be continued.

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