The nurse. [11]

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Luz was not sent back to school the next day, meaning another day Sarah was worried. "Alright I'm going to be serious with you, Luz moved-" Amity blurted out. "And her guardian asked me to take care of her so if you could just drop me off-"


"Noceda will still be taking the bus! She just needs to rest while she recovers-"

"From the shooting the other day? Oh she's fine." The person behind her said. "When she comes back, I'm going to ask her out~"

"She's already crushing on another person." Amity muttered. "Get out of my convo! Noceda got injured but she's healing and she's at home! Your last stop before you drop off us at school is where she's at." Amity muttered.

Sarah slammed the gas pedal, the kids all finally finding a use for the seatbelts.


Amity was forced to take her bus driver to Luz's new place, leaving all the students outside to wait until she returned. The cheerleader knocked on her door, Camilla opening it and ready to head out. "Oh, morning. She's in her room resting-"

"So she's okay?" Sarah asked.

"She will be."

The bus lady sighed, releasing Amity. "I-I'll just head up on my own- Thank you Ms.Noceda-" Amity mumbled, slipping past and up the stairs.

She opened the door to Luz's room a bit, Prince poking his snout out of the crack. "Hey buddy, is Luz decent?"

He let out a small bark, pushing the door open with his snout. Amity came in, closing the door behind herself. Prince went back to Luz, laying down beside the witch and putting his paw over her side, only to pull back when the witch let out a whimper.

Amity brought Luz's spinny chair over, using her heel to lock it in place so she doesn't just, slip out. "So Noceda, how are you feeling?"

"Feel like I need to visit my healer.."

"Then call your mom."

"I'm not allowed to go home.. Emperor's orders.."

"What's he like?" Amity asked, leaning back in her chair.

Luz rubbed her eyes, sitting up and moving to make her back hit the wall. "Not what you'd expect that's for sure." Luz started, casting a spell. "This is an Illusion, it doesn't take much so I'll be fine.."

Amity perked up, examining the freaky figure. "That's your emperor?"

Luz nodded, holding on to Prince to prevent him from touching the Illusion. "He's always in his castle, never leaves, hardly seen."

"Ever met him?"


"That a bad thing?"



"He'll ask to meet you if you're doing really well with your magic and ask you to join his coven."

"What's a coven?"

Luz looked over at her, flicking the Illusions forehead. "Gosh you have alot to learn.."


"That's what I'd be in if I went to your world?" Amity asked, putting the pencil down.

Luz nodded. "Abomination is pretty cool, Jerbo's in it so he could help you out."


"Jerbo-rooney is what most of us call him. But yeah that's his real name- THE FIELD TRIP- IT'S TODAY-"

Amity slapped her hand over Luz's mouth, the witch stopping abruptly. "The schools waiting till you're allowed back because you planned it and stalled til the police arrive."

Luz licked her palm, Amity yelping and pulling her hand back. She wiped it on the witches shirt, Luz giggling quietly. "You swallow your saliva often, what's the matter with mine?"

"I don't know if your spit is- Radioactive or poisoning!" Amity exclaimed.

"It's spit."


Luz snorted, letting out giggles. Amity frowned, not liking the fact she was being teased, in someone else's home. "I really hate you Noceda.."

"Clawthorne. It's Clawthorne actually." Luz mumbled, wiping away the laughing tear. "Not my real last name, but it's the one I'm legally bound to."

Prince opened the door, poking his snout in. "What. Is he doing?"

He peeked in, his eyes widening when he saw them. Prince's tail wagged, the dog backing out and bursting back in with a blanket over himself. He jumped on the bed, dragging the blanket with him and laying down in front of Luz. "You want me to tie it on?"

Prince barked, his tail wagging swiftly under the blanket. Luz pat his head, taking the two shortest corners of the blanket and tying them together. Prince slipped his head in, getting back up. He licked her cheek, hopping off the bed and leaving again, closing the door behind himself.

Both the girls looked at eachother, the duo laughing together at the recent happenings. It took awhile for them to calm down, the pair sighing heavily when they caught their breath. "I want your dog.." Amity said, letting out a strained laugh as she continued to catch her breath.

"To bad he loves me more." Luz said rather proudly.

Amity looked up at her from her relaxed position, Luz patting her head. "Don't touch me Clawthorne."

"Still rude yet respectful Blight." Luz giggled.

Amity rolled her eyes, letting out yet another sigh. "Tired?"

"Kinda.." Amity muttered.

"Then take a nap."

"I'm supposed to be taking care of you."

"Which is sweet but I can take care of myself." Luz said, getting out of bed.

Amity watched the witch go over to her desk, pull out her sketchbook from a drawer, take a pencil as well, then come back to sit down. "You can take a nap, I'll just be drawing and wake you up when it's lunch okay?"

"I rather not nap when I'm at another person's house.." The human mumbled. "Besides you'll draw me when I'm asleep I know it."

"If I have your permission I will, if not I won't." Luz said, opening her sketch book. "Besides, the drawings I did have of you were drawn over and ripped. So I won't make the same mistake again.."

Amity sat up, moving to sit beside the witch. "Can you..Draw a Griffin?"

"I can." Luz said, leaning her head against Amity's as she started a sketch. "I have a pet Griffin at home, he lives at the school though. He's my second one, his name's Fynn."

"How big does he get?" Amity asked, relaxing a bit.

"Clydesdale horse.."

"That's huge!"

"I have a jackalope too, buck. He's got a- Nevermind.."

"No no, I want to know.." Amity said, giving her a gentle nudge.

Luz stayed silent for a bit, continuing the sketch. "Well, he's gay. He's going out with my Griffin, they often sneak out and have pillow fights in my aunt's old house. So we have to go by and clean up every few days."

"What's his name?"


"Like milk?"


"Alright. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to take a nap." Amity said, nudging Luz.

"Take your time Blight." The witch said, booping Amity's nose with her eraser. "I'm not going anywhere."

To be continued.

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