The twins. [20]

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The next morning.

1:02 am. 'Ding!' Amity jerked up, sighing heavily, burrying her face back in her pillow, ignoring the sound. 'Ding!' "I'm not answering it.." She mumbled, her voice a bit hoarse.

'Ding! Ding! Diiing!' Amity cursed a few times, angrily reaching for her phone, turning it on, only to move her phone away from the blinding light. She put the brightness down, unlocking her phone, clicking on the message, reading what it said. 'My moon cycle is over :D No more dreaded vomit! Yay! 🎉'

"Luz, it's 1 am. Go back to sleep." Amity typed, sending the message.

'Ding!' "So? Sleep is for the weak!"

"Then I'm weak, I'm going back to sleep. Night." Amity sent, putting her phone back down, burrying her face in her pillow.

The dinging stopped, the human sighing, dozing back off.


When morning came along, Amity had to get ready for her Saturday schedule. Her Butler knocked on her door, coming in a few seconds later, having a small note. "What am I doing today?"

He cleared his throat, looking down at it; "When you have finished changing, you must go down and have breakfast. Then your father will talk to you about what you'll be doing for most of the day."

"How much free time am I getting today?" Amity asked, grabbing her clothing.

"Approximately two (2) hours in the afternoon if everything goes as planned." He answered.

"Alright, I'll be down in a bit."

He bowed, leaving the room, closing the door behind himself. Amity sighed heavily, going to her washroom, already wanting to get this day over with.

In ten (10) minutes she finished up, heading downstairs to the dining area. "Morning Mittens," Edric began, poking some of his meal. "Did you have any plans?"

"No, I didn't." Amity said, pulling her chair out.

She sat down, pushing herself in; "Oh, Luz said she wanted to hang out. I'll take your place then." Edric said, eating his food.

"She what?" Amity asked, looking over at him. "Edric for once I want you to talk."

He shook his head, poking another content from his meal, putting it in his mouth before he finished his current piece. "Emira, if you don't tell me what he's talking about, I'll tell the manager at the cafe to ban you."

"Hey woah woah woah- That's a bit too far Mittens, we can talk this through like normal people-"

"We're not commoners Emira, answer the question." Amity hissed.

Odalia and Alador gave eachother a look, rolling their eyes, eating their breakfast, wanting to hear how this would turn out. Edric elbowed his twin, shaking his head. She pulled his blonde hair, pulling him over and whispering something in his ear. "Yeah that could work."

"Edric give me your phone."

"Emira it's not going to work-"

Amity's Butler glanced at her, the younger Blight giving him a small nod. He went towards the twins pickpocketing Edric's phone, going back to Amity and offering her the device. She stuck her tounge out at the blonde idiots, putting Edric's password in which was Twin1.

She went to messages, the first and most recent name was CutieLuzzy. "That's a stupid name." Amity hissed, glaring at Edric.

"Well she's cute and needs a nickname..-"

She clicked on her name, going up a bit, finding the text this morning when Luz stopped texting her. Just a few messages like, are you awake, am I bothering you, or is this a bad time. Edric responded no, then they chatted for a bit, eventually getting to the topic of Amity.

The younger Blight continued reading the messages also eating her meal while focusing on the phone. After a few minutes, she turned the phone off, silently placing it down on the table, putting down her utensils as well. She took her glass of water, drinking some, before looking over at Alador. "What's on the agenda?"


'Ding Dong!' "Edric go get the door!" Alador shouted. "This would do right?"

"Yeah that would work, maybe a little higher so I don't trip up the stairs." Amity suggested, pointing to the dress.

Alador hummed, erasing a small layer, making it just a bit shorter, putting the sketchbook on the small podium. 'Ding Dong!' "Go get the door will you? Edric is a lazy boy."

Amity nodded, walking to the door, opening it, leaving the room, closing the door behind herself, then heading down the hall to the front door. She went down the stairs carefully, looking around for any butlers but no. Amity shrugged, unlocking the front door, peeking out. "You're not coming in."

"Well I'm not staying actually," The witch began. "Edric and Emira suggested we go out for the fun of it early in the morning. They don't want you to come but I'm unsure of the reasons why, you can if you'd like but I'm sure you're busy."

"Yes I am."

"Could you call them down since I'm not allowed in?"

"Fine, you stay there." Amity huffed, going back upstairs.

She went down the hall, reaching the twins shared room, knocking on their door. "Idiot one (1) and idiot two (2) better come out." Amity exclaimed, knocking more forcefully.

A few seconds of silence followed the knocks, the younger Blight opening the unlocked door. She peeked in the room, entering it and walking towards the bunk beds. The beds were nicely made, a letter on the bottom bunk. Amity picked it up, opening it, taking the paper inside, unfolding that, and reading it.

"Hey Mittens!~ As you can see, we're not home! Take Luzzy out for us k? We will handle dad for ya, so go figure out your sexuality with good ol' Luz! Love ya Mittens!~ -Idiot 1, Edric."

Amity shredded the paper, putting it back in the envelope, throwing it in the small trashcan by the bed. She left the room, going back to the room with her dad, talking with him a bit. "Yeah okay." Alador shrugged.

The younger Blight nodded, leaving this room, going back to hers, having to get ready, again.

To be continued.

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