The cursing. [15 part 3.75]

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Lilith only took Luz out of school so they could talk with Camilla while she had free time. They talked about what the hospitals couldn't do to her, magic is odd and it could kill her if they do this or that etc etc. Luz needs human vaccinations, witch vaccinations are similar but for their flus.

The older witch explained lots of things, answered some of Camilla's questions, introduced Camilla to Eda for a bit over the scroll, and talked about some legal things that are really boring. So we'll go to later, the two Noceda's walking towards their home after Lilith dropped them off.

Luz's ears perked up, the witch looking to her right. She gasped, rushing towards the human, tackling her and pushing her in to the grass; "Amity!"

"Luz! You scared me! Don't do that!" The Blight exclaimed, moving her hair out of her face.

"I was excited!" The witch giggled, doing some sort of plank over the human. "You came over pretty early you know."

Amity looked up at the witch, booping her nose; "I'm only three (3) minutes early. So I guess you can say..I was excited too. I have a few questions for Jerbo, just to understand your world a bit." She stated, cupping Luz's cheek.

The witch leaned in to her palm, her purrs following the small interaction. "Are you going to get up so I can call him or..?"

Luz flinched, getting off the human, pulling the human off the grass, Amity shaking her head a bit; "A bit of a rough landing.."


Amity pat her head; "It's fine, can we go inside?"

Luz nodded, leading the human to her home, allowing her inside first, then following, closing and locking the door behind herself. "Hey Amity, do you want to stay for dinner?" Camilla asked, looking over at the human who also knew Luz's secret.

Prince rushed over to her, Nero on his head, both sniffing Amity out; "I don't know, I won't be bothering you?"

"If you ask me, it's been too quiet. Luz keeps the house lively, tu paquete está en tu cama."

"Really?" Luz cleared up.

Camilla nodded, Luz going up to her room, Amity following her upstairs, the pets following. "What'd she say?" Amity asked.

"My package is on my bed, I only ordered it like 2 weeks ago." Luz said, picking up the brown box on her bed.

Prince came over, Nero hopping on to the box, his claws coming out, the kitten slicing through the tape; "Mew!"

"Good boy Nero." Luz congratulated, patting his head.

He purred, his tail making a small heart, the kitten getting off the box and back on Prince's head. Luz opened the small box; "Camilla said I should get one of these, I have one of these at home, so it'd be nice to see something familiar." Luz said, pulling the flag out.

Something else was in there too, pins. Little pins she could accessorize her things with or herself. "I'll put this up later, don't want to make you uncomfy or anything.." Luz mumbled, folding the flag neatly, putting it in her drawer.

Amity nudged Luz gently; "I'll have to get used to it, so you might as well let me help you put it up."


Took awhile, but the pink was on top over Luz's bed, the witch pretty proud of it. "Right, scroll?" Amity questioned.

Luz summoned her scroll with ease, handing it over to Amity, the object being locked. "The passwords King. He's my demon at home." Luz said, patting the bed.

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