Books. [60 part 2]

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Luz was fine, Mattias was not. He did a flip with Luz on accident, being the one that broke the fall for the witchling. Luz wasn't heavy, she was light. Very light. Mattias had only bit his lip, so he was kinda okay, just a small wound. "I am very sorry, I did not mean to hurt you Mattias."

He gave her those dog side eyes, then looked at his paws, letting out a small huff. "I know you did not mean to, Luz. But whether you apologize or not to us dogs, we still believe you did it on purpose."

Luz pat his head, scratching behind his ear, "I'm still very sorry.."

The camera clicked, both looking back up, Amity rubbing her eyes, "That's not going to help.." She said quietly, putting her glasses back on.

"Uhm Alador?"

He looked back at Luz, "Yes dear?"

"I think we should take a break, you might need it too. You've been taking pictures all day!"

Alador hummed, "Alright then, I only need one more picture with this outfit so after I've captured it, we'll take a break." He said, waving his hand.

He kept his word, once he got the final picture, he let Amity dress in to something more comfortable, then they took a break. "Okay, where was it a bit tight, and was any part bothering you?" Luz asked, clicking her led pencil, looking at Amity.

The human hummed, "The writs were the only part bothering me, just a bit tight near my waist." Amity recalled.

Luz wrote that over the original design, nodding, "Alrighty! You go relax with Noah while I talk to Alador and Ay." Luz smiled.

Amity pat her head, Luz turning on her heel and walking to the adults. Ay took the paper from her, nodding, patting her head, "Job good, nice."

"Think you can have this ready by.." Alador pulled his phone out, checking what today was. "Thursday?"

Ay nodded, "Thursday okay. We finish then. Luz, you come Tuesday. That good?"

Luz thought about it, "Then I'll miss school for three days! I've already missed alot because I've been bed ridden.."

Ay hummed, "I figure out. You get knowledge. Hit the books. I work out, you calm." Ay spoke. "Alador buddy, we talk outside."

Both left the room, Luz being a bit mad that Ay took her sketchbook. She went to her bag, taking out her original sketch book, opening it up. Oh great, it was happening again. Luz flipped from page to page, all being filled out with rude words, all being signed by the football players.

She walked over to Noah, showing it to him. He looked away from Amity and to the book, "Oh-" He blurted out. "Luz-"

"This keeps me alive, Noah. This is all I have of my family, I can't erase any of this, I can't replace it." Luz hissed.

"It's just a book Luz, your family can get you another." Noah said, acting like this was nothing. "Ask Amity to get you another!"

Luz closed the book in a blink of an eye, "I. Can't. Replace. This." Luz said bitterly.


Luz clicked her tounge, returning to her chair, talking with Willow. The human nodded and got up, both leaving the room. "Noah.." Amity muttered.

"It wasn't my idea! The boys saw her punch me and went to go steal her things! Maybe that's why they were in the nurse's office.." Noah said quietly while he pondered about it. "But I did not tell them to do anything! They planned it on their own! I'd never tell them to hurt another being!"

Amity glared at him, Noah nervously swallowing the lump in his throat, "It doesn't matter if you told them to do it or not. They should know not to take people's things!"

"It's not my fault!"

"That book is the only thing Luz was sent here with! She was kicked out Noah! You ruined the only object she could treasure for the rest of her life!"

The door opened again, the group returning to the camera with Edric. "This is the figure you should use," He said as he showed Luz a drawing. "You can use different ones, but this is for the pregnant women who are seven to nine months in."

Luz nodded, ripping each paper in her original sketch book out. She threw them away, closing the empty book, then opening it up again, full. Luz sketched out the figure, nodding and closing her book, "I'll keep this in mind. Thank you."

Edric nodded, switching pictures on his tablet, "This is what we're going to be doing though, since I've already finished an entire book of designs, we need to do this."

Luz opened her book up again, looking at the figure and replicating it on her page. "Is there a color we can't use?"

Edric switched slides, "We can't use brown or red for the base color, if it's for the design itself then yes."

Luz wrote that down, "Alright, I'll get started on something soon."

Edric pat her head, "Glad to have you on board Luz." He nodded, then went to Alador. "When do you need these?"

Alador snapped, pulling Edric aside and talking about specific dates on when he needed these by. Luz went to go sit down, Willow sitting by her, gently nudging her, "Doing better..?"

Luz shook her head, rubbing her eyes, "It takes alot of magic to regenerate the entire book..I'll ask Emira to share later.."


"Been teaching her magic..You want to learn too..?"

Willow nodded, "If you don't mind the extra student, I'd like to learn."

Luz shook her head, "Don't mind, you just have to be willing to learn from the beginning.."

To be continued.

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