Click goes the camera. [45]

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Next morning, Sunday, right? Amity was allowed to take Luz to her house while Camilla took Viney to her work to get human vaccines. Luz was her test witch, but she was fine, their vaccines had the same effect as they did on humans. "Okay, now bite." Amity said, holding the spoon of bland rice up.

"I don't want it.." Luz mumbled, adjusting the covers over herself. "I can wait til it's over.."

Amity shook her head, "Just two more spoonfuls and I'll let you go back to sleep."


"And I'll let you watch a movie while I help you fall asleep."

The witchling nodded, agreeing on the terms, "Two?"


"Okay. I will eat the bland meal."

"Good, now flipping eat it. The bowl is hot!"


Luz had dozed off in the middle of the movie, Amity having let her sleep while she had to do more photoshoots for her dad. Honestly, she hated it. Sure she was popular and rich because of it, but you never know what's really behind the camera. A monster, pain, lies.

Amity snapped back in to reality when her dad clapped, "Amity dear, you need to pay attention."

"Sorry sorry, just wondering if Luz is okay or not.." Amity mumbled, fixing how she was posing in to her earlier position.

He stayed silent, moving two fingers behind his ear, "When you're at work, no commoner thoughts. We do not care if the others are ill, it's just you." He peeked through the camera, waving his hand. "There, we're bringing back the lights so don't blink."

"Dad you know what the ophthalmo-"

He paused, "I don't care what they said, we make money Amity, don't blink."

The camera clicked, a light going off, perfect. Amity rubbed her eyes, having been told to stop with the lights or she might as well be blind already. "Dad we can't use lights anymore..!"

"You're not here to talk, you're here to work. Do as your told or you're sending Luz home." Alador hissed, waving his hand, moving his hair behind his ear. "Get ready, after this one, change to the blue one."

Amity sighed, nodding slowly, rubbing her eyes before getting in position. The camera clicked, a blinding light flashing, then Alador nodded. Amity rubbed her eyes, going to the foldable wall, changing out.

It was a light blue dress, getting slightly darker as it reached the bottom, having a long end. She got ready, "Look at the light this time, it'll make your eyes look beautiful."


"Do as you're told!"

"Yes sir.."

Amity sighed, glancing up at the light. The camera shuttered, the light flashing, "Good good, sit on the chair, fix the dress a bit, look at the light again."

Alador repositioned the camera as Amity adjusted the flow of the dress, sitting properly, looking back up at the light. No warning this time. The lights went off, but a picture wasn't taken, "Damnit. Wrong button, again!"

He pressed the button, the camera clicking, the lights going off, "Good, next one. It's purple."

Amity got up, changing while Alador got a different scenery for the back. She put on the matching heels, waltzing on over, having gotten use to the devil's shoe. "Get a rose and one of the Daisy flower crowns, you'll look down at the X this time."

Sweet relief. Amity did as she was told, adjusting how the flower crown felt, holding the rose in left hand, close to her chest. The camera shuttered, the lights going off, Alador waving his hand. "Two more, Luz's suit."

Amity nodded, Alador setting up her scene while she changed. White undershirt, light blue one on top, green suit jacket with a gold lining, a woman's red bow, and green slacks. These went with black oxfords, just so you know. "Put the flower in your mouth."

"It has thorns.."

"Then get them off, quickly quickly, I have to go see Ay." Alador rushed, slipping his words a bit.

Amity popped off the thorns, putting the rose in her mouth, sitting on the chair the opposite way, partially wrapping her legs in front of it. "Look at the camera."

She did as she was told, then the lights went off, "Great, now, last photo. Lean against the wall, look up at the lights."

Alador moved the camera as Amity got up, going to the wall, leaning against it, moving the flower up and just a few inches from her nose. "Oh yes, that is better, stay still." Alador positioned the camera correctly, humming.

Amity just gazed at the flower, then the lights went off. "And that's a wrap. You can go now."

The girl sighed heavily in relief, going back behind the foldable wall, changing in to something more comfortable. She thanked her father for the opportunity, and went back to Luz. The witchling was up, looking around the room, looking for Amity. "I'm over here." The Blight said, opening the door.

Luz flinched, Amity entering the room, closing the door behind herself, going over to the witchling. "I thought you left me.." Luz said, hugging Amity.

"Awh, I would never." Amity said, carefully picking up the witch. "Now come on you, you have to go back to sleep."

Luz nuzzled in to Amity's shoulder, the human taking her back to bed, carefully laying her down. Luz pulled her to the side, Amity getting in a better position to hug Luz. The witchling began to purr, very loudly might I add, "Humans~" Luz purred. "I love humans~"

"Oh? Have any favorites?"

Luz nodded, "It's you~"

"Is that so?" Amity questioned, believing Luz was just making things up due to her cycle.

"Mhm~" Luz snuggled up to the human, then pulled back.

She hissed quietly, Amity sitting up, the witchling whimpering, "Hey, hey it's okay. Do you want me to go get you a pill?"

Luz got off the bed in an instant, going to the restroom, Amity getting up and leaving the room. The witch threw up, once so far. It was the rice. It had a bit of flavor, so it wasn't entirely bland. Luz gagged, panting quietly, throwing up one more time. Luz flushed, carefully getting up and away from the toilet.

She fumbled to the sink, letting it run cold water, the witch wiping her mouth, washing her hands. "And I'm going to pass out.." Luz sighed, just before her vision went black, the witch falling back.

Maybe Oracle track wasn't a bad idea..

To be continued.

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