Overdramatic Witch. [44 part 3.25]

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Luz put on her new jacket, now having found out that they had an axolotls gills on the side. Screw using a beanie, axolotls for the win! She still kept her new cat beanie on, just in case. Amity checked her phone, a new message popping up. She unlocked her device with Luz's name, reading it clearly.

The witchling loosened her grip on Amity's hand, focusing on another object, Amity fumbling to respond to the message. And there goes Luz's hand. Amity tugged lightly on the harness, Luz being pulled back, Amity grabbing her hand again. "If you want to go somewhere, advise us, okay?"

Luz tensed, letting Amity's hand go, holding on to Amilotl instead, "Okay.."

Amity glanced back at her phone, Luz just focusing up ahead. Amity put her phone away, gently nudging the witchling. Luz took a small step away, wanting to keep her distance. "Let's go get some ice cream, we have to get home soon.."

Luz nodded slowly, squeezing Amilotl nervously, "..Come on, let's get you somewhere less crowded for now.." Amity said, pulling Luz to the side to avoid being bunked in to.

Bo and Cat noticed, walking by Amity, "What's up?" Cat asked, noticing Luz was less cheerful then usual. "You didn't hurt her did ya?"

"We won't hesitate to hurt you if you did Blighty." Bo smiled, cracking her knuckles.

Amity shook her head, "She needs a small break, then we'll head home."

Bo and Cat nodded, the trio of humans having to find someplace Luz could refill her AL to feel better. Hm? What's AL? Amity Love, like LL, but AL is a myth to everyone besides Luz and her pets. AL is a very magical thing and often considered a legend.

They eventually found a comfy place to sit, Amity letting Luz sit in her lap, the human rubbing her back. Sadly, actually, not sadly, it was adorable, but Luz had dozed off in Amity's lap. She could carry Luz bridal style, legs around waist hug, or on her back. Bo and Cat went with the option that didn't allow anything gay.

Luz was woken up. The witchling was pretty grouchy, she was tired, she knew that full moons happen more often here and was starting her moon cycle soon so she'd need sleep, but no. Bo, you are now dead to Luz. If Bo neared, Luz would hiss at her, and swat her away.

Cat thought it was hilarious, Amity felt pretty bad. "Hissss!" Luz shooed Bo away. "Bad!"

Bo frowned, Cat laughing hiss-tericaly and my god was this an interesting day for her. Amity sighed, picking Luz up, adjusting how she held the witch, rubbing her back from under her bag. Luz huffed, wrapping her arms around Amity's neck, resting her head on the humans shoulder.

Amity felt Luz relax, glaring back at the two others, "Wake her up again, and she won't be the only one that hates you." Amity snarled. "Come on, let's go get her ice cream."


Bo and Cat were driven home, Amity taking Luz home, Camilla having opened the door for her, Viney helping make lunch. "Where do I put her?" Amity sighed.

"Since I'm staying for quite sometime, I'll be taking the guest bedroom upstairs. You can put her on her bed." Viney said, adding some pepper in the pot.

Amity nodded, going up the stairs, carefully opening Luz's room door, hovering over it slightly. Amity carefully unwrapped Luz's arms from her neck, the witch holding Amilotl by their gills. Luz relaxed again, pulling Amilotl close, Amity moving Luz's hair out of her face, taking off the witches beanie.

The human pulled her phone out, searching something up. 'Oh great, she starts today.'

November 4th, full moon tonight. Amity pulled away, going back down the stairs, "Viney, you start today." Amity said.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Moon cycles?"

"We don't get those often, every full moon back at home, we usually get crescent moons." Viney said, taking an apple blood juice box from the fridge.

Amity showed her screen to Viney, the witch squinting to read, "We get full moons often, times different remember? You start tonight."

Viney shrugged, "Mines aren't bad. I hardly have anything bad to think about. I just get cramps, Luz has it rough."

Amity nodded, "Maybe make her something else for lunch and dinner.. Don't want throw up..Not again.."


6:43 pm. Viney froze randomly when re-serving herself dinner, her ears perking up, "Go check on her yeah? She already started." Viney said, looking back at Amity.

The human nodded, just finishing her broth, grabbing her dishes and getting up. She put her dishes in the sink, going upstairs and to Luz's room, opening the door, peeking in. The witchling was tossing and turning, whimpering quietly as she had her arm around her stomach.

Amity went over to the other side, getting on the bed, moving over to Luz, pulling the witchling over. "It's alright Luz.."

She whimpered, panting quietly as the pain started to become a bit too intolerable. "Hate it.." Luz winced.

Amity rubbed her back, Camilla coming in with a pill and some water, "Here Luz, this'll help. I'll go find the potion." Camilla offered the pill.

The witch hesitated, sitting up, taking the pill and putting it in her mouth, taking the water bottle, opening it, and drinking some. She let the pill pass, very much hating the weird taste they had. "Amity, if it's not too much work, can you go to the store to find a heating pad or something you know would help with the pain?"

The Blight got up, "I'll get something for Viney too-"

A crash ensued downstairs, everyone upstairs flinching, "SCREW YOU EARTH! WHO HAS MORE THEN ONE FULL MOON? EXPLODE. I DARE YOU."

A crash ensued outside, Viney screaming and running back upstairs, going to her guest bedroom. "THE EARTH IS GOING TO EXPLODE- WITH US ON IT- WHY EARTH!??"

Wow, cramps am I right?

To be continued.

Seriously though cramps suck

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