Tour Guide | Jason Grace

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Summary: You've just arrived in Camp Half-Blood (injured) and Jason Grace is showing you around.

QOTP: Who's your godly parent?

Word Count: 1001

"I'm-I'm confused," you confess.

The blonde girl in front of you - Annabeth - sighs. "You - are - a - demigod. Do you understand what that means?"

The boy behind her with green eyes - Percy - rests his hand on her shoulder, causing her to turn her head. "She was just attacked by a Minotaur and a Fury. I would know how overwhelming and ridiculous that is on your first day. It's kind of hard to focus and understand something like this -" he gestures around him at the infirmary, though he means the entire camp "- after a battle like that. I mean, Grover barely got her out alive."

"But I did!" the goat-boy bleats.

You laugh at his outburst, shrug, then wince because it kind of hurts move your shoulders. "Grover did get me here in one piece," you say.

Will, the boy who took care of your injuries when you got here, snorts from across the infirmary. "Hardly," he says, "that Minotaur nearly took your arm off."

"But it didn't," you reply, looking at him pointedly. He scoffs, but says nothing. You see Grover smile in your peripheral vision.

Annabeth shakes her head, "Chiron can explain everything to you later. For now, you need a tour of camp. If I could just find you a tour guide-"

"Hey, hey, hey, William the... what rhymes with William?" a boy walks in and says, completing the first half of the greeting with finger guns.

"Leo," someone behind him chides, "just get Will and hurry up."

Will walks over to the door, "What? What happened?"

The boy - Leo - grimaces, "There's been an, um, accident in Bunker 9." Will cocks an eyebrow, waiting for Leo to explain.

"I set something on fire - but we put it out! Just had... difficulty in doing so. We need you and your Apollo buddies to come and help."

Will and another girl that was on the other side of the room follow Leo out, leaving the other boy in the doorway. "Thanks for mentioning that I was one that put out the fire in the first place!" he calls down the hallway.

"You and your wind magic!" Leo retorts from down the hall. The boy sighs, about to protest that he didn't use his "wind magic" to put the fire out, but he decides to drop it.

Annabeth's eyes light up, "Jason! Show Y/N around camp, would you?"

Jason smiles and nods. "That whole fight with the Minotaur was pretty epic," he says to you, shaking your hand.

Your smile matches his, "Wouldn't've made it out alive without Grover and that dragon guarding the... The Golden Fleece? Yeah. That thing."

He chuckles, then helps you up.

"Are you okay to stand on your own?" he asks, a firm hold on your arm. You stumbles and he catches you, Percy jolting forward as well, though he's too far away to catch you anyway.

Jason wraps one arm around your waist, supporting you. "Believe it or not, I can actually fly - technically, I guess - so we'll just kind of... hover around the camp."


"Peleus," Jason says.

Your eyebrows furrow, "Huh?"

"The dragon guarding The Golding Fleece," he replies. "His name is Peleus."

He's carrying you around the camp, bridal style; it was hurting his arm to carry you the way he originally planned to.

"Peleus," you test it out.

He smiles, then nods over to a rock wall. "That's the rock climbing wall," he says, "but I wouldn't try it out yet."


"Lava - just not a good idea right now."

You laugh, causing him to smile.

Then, he brings you to the cabins. "You'll be in one of those. Definitely by tonight, when you're claimed."

You're nervous about getting claimed - it was one of the only things you could get your mind around when Annabeth explained everything.

"What was it like when you were claimed?" you ask him, biting your lip. He can tell you're nervous.

He shakes his head, "You've got nothing to worry about, Y/N. Yeah, everyone's gonna look at you for a few seconds, but it's cool to find out who your godly parent is - and if-if you don't mind me asking... is your mom or your dad your godly parent?"

"My mom."

He seems relieved.

"Who's your godly parent?" you ask him.

"Jupiter - Zeus in Greek."

You smile at him and he smiles back, helping you sit at one of the tables in the dining pavilion. "We eat here," he says, "then, after dinner, we go to the bonfire at the amphitheater."

You nod. "I'll be claimed there?" you ask.

"Yeah. My friend, Piper, was. She's a child of Aphrodite."

You nod, but are a little disappointed at the thought of being a child of Aphrodite. "I don't even know who I'd want my parent to be," you sigh. He shrugs.

After a moment, he lights up, "Would you sit with me after dinner? Like, at the fire? You won't have a certain place to sit 'cause you haven't been claimed yet..."

You smile and nod, "I'd like that a lot."


You're smiling and laughing along with everyone else at the fire that night, Jason sitting next to you. "You enjoying Camp Half-Blood?" he asks.

You nod, then looked over at him, still smiling, "It's great."

He smiles back at you, "I'm glad you like it. It's the only safe place for demigods, besides Camp Jupiter." You nod. After he asked you to sit with him at the camp fire, Chiron explained everything to you at the Big House. He was totally more patient than Annabeth...

Suddenly, everything stops. Everyone looks at you, and the Apollo kids stop singing.

"Am I being claimed?" you ask. Jason nods, looking above your head. You want to look up, but you're afraid to.

"Who is it?" you ask him nervously.

He smiles, "Athena."

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