Preference: I Almost Lost You | Marvel

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Requested by @gammergurl777

I'm continuing with the old schedule until the week Infinity War comes out because I have a Spiderman imagine to post the day of.

Summary: You almost die, causing them to freak out.

QOTP: Can you move your seat up?

Word Count: 2627

"Banner, I love you, but calm down," you say to the nervous scientist. A few of you are on the Quinjet, heading off on a mission.

An easy one.

"We're only there to get some data from one of the computers," Natasha reassures him, glancing back; she's assumed the role of pilot. "It's gonna be fine."

"I just have the feeling that something bad is going to happen," Bruce says, trying to refrain from wringing his hands.

"If anything bad happens, we will handle it," T'Challa adds, having become a frequent guest at the Avenger's base and on missions.

"There's five of us," Clint says. "And, like, three of us have powers. We'll be fine."

"Three?" you question, quirking an eyebrow. Bruce is the Hulk, and T'Challa is the Black Panther. By your count, that's two.

Clint replies as if he's stating the obvious. "Bruce, T'Challa, and me."


"Okay, we have a problem," Nat says over the comms.

You punch the guy attacking you in the face, only to be met by someone else trying to kill you. "You think?"

"It's not looking good on my end, either," Clint says. You can hear arrows flying and Bruce's nervous breathing over his own comm; he's trying to download the files from the computer you were looking for onto a flash drive.

"I can't hold them off much longer," T'Challa says. "There's too many." He's with Bruce, protecting him until he can get the data.

"Nat, where are you?" you ask, the panic evident in your voice; you're surrounded. People on your left and right, solid wall in front and behind. Not a door in sight.

"I'm near the front doors," Nat replies, seemingly out of breath.

You speak and fight at the same time, taking someone out before you even finish your next sentence. "I don't know if I'm gonna make it out of this one." The rest advance, three of them lunging at you all at once; you're lucky the hallway's narrow.

"Where are you?" every one else asks, almost simultaneously.

"I-I don't know. I-" You're cut off before you can finish.

"Y/N?" There's no answer. "Y/N?!"

Bruce -
"I knew something bad was going to happen." You hear a worried voice on your left, your eyes still closed. The last thing you remember was fighting in the hallway, then a sharp pain. You blacked out.

"I know you did," someone else says. They're on your right.

You're in a bed, and you hear beeping. There's a dull throb in your head, but you crack an eye open anyway, only to close it immediately because of the light.

"Y/N?" the first voice asks. You identify it as Bruce's and smile a little.

"Hey, Banner," you reply. "Here to say, 'I told you so'?"

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