Aquaman | Percy Jackson

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Just to be clear: I don't like DC, but this superhero is perfect for Percy, so I must make sacrifices. I also don't know a single thing about Aquaman.

Summary: He portrays Aquaman at a theme park, and you're the worker who walks around with him, controlling the picture line.

QOTP: Whose your favorite superhero?

Word Count: 1534

"Morning, Y/N," he says, entering the room in normal clothes, and you're almost not used to it.

"Morning, Aquman," you reply, causing him to grin.

He chuckles. "Well, not yet, anyway."

To sum up, you work at a theme park. Mainly, you clean up around your section - DC Island - get the park ready to open, and help with character dining. A big part of your job, though, is carting around "Aquaman".

Basically, "Aquaman" - a regular guy in a suit - goes out into the park at certain times to take pictures with people that are walking around. You have to get Aquaman to his designated area, control the line, and tell people what times he'll leave and come back.

Of course, multiple people pretend to be Aquaman - one man couldn't do that all day - but there's one guy that stood out the most when he was first hired. And, incidentally, you ended up becoming good friends.

Percy Jackson.

He's the "problem child" out of all the actors, meaning that it's hard to get him to his area because he wants to stop and wave at every child that walks past. Then, he'll want to stay out longer than he's supposed to - "Just one last photo."

Somehow, you manage.

"Two minutes," you say through the door. Percy's on the other side, scrambling into his costume.

You hear a thump and a sigh. "This thing is hard to get on, you know."

Outside, the loudspeakers rumble with a prerecorded message. "Look out, everyone! Black Manta is on the loose in DC Island! Aquaman is here, but he'll need your help! If you see Black Manta, tell Aquaman where he is!"

"That's our cue-" You're cut off when he opens the door. Without another word, you turn and hurry out the door, trusting that he's behind you.

When you make it outside, you glance back at him to make sure he's keeping up, then hurry him along when you see he's stopped to high five some kid.

Finally, you reach your spot - the front of a souvenir store - and wait for people to walk up to talk to Aquaman.

It doesn't take long.

"Hey, man! What's your name?" Percy says to a little boy, no more than six.

"I'm Grover."

"That's a cool name!" Percy replies, giving the kid a high five. He turns "serious", putting his hands on his hips. "You haven't seen Black Manta, have you?" Grover shakes his head, so Percy smiles and continues. "Well, buddy, I think your mom wants a picture, so let's do our best superhero stances, okay?"

This is how it is basically everyday, but it never fails to make you smile.

After a few more interactions like that, a mom walks up carrying a baby boy, her older daughter standing beside her. Percy smiles at the daughter first. "Hey, sweetheart, what's your name?"


Percy smiles and points to the baby. "Is this your little brother?"

Bianca nods and the mom smiles. "His name is Nico."

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now