Slendermorts | Tenth Doctor

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Requested by Hufflepuff_Girl_14

This book has 130k reads???? I'm crying???? Thank you all so much I'm shook

Summary: You and the Doctor get in a fight, so you run out...

QOTP: Who's your favorite new companion?

Word Count: 1260

"YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED, YOU KNOW!" he shouts angrily, running around the console and messing with the controls.

"AND?! I'M ALIVE, AREN'T I?!" you scream back. You're so angry, you can practically feel the steam rolling out of your ears.

The Cybermen had invaded Earth for the umpteenth time, and you and the Doctor had gotten separated when you ran off to execute a plan he didn't like because it was "suicide".

You'll never know if he was right or not because he stopped you at the last minute. He's been mad at you ever since.

He pulls a lever and the TARDIS whirrs to life. You both grab onto the console, still angry. He looks at you from the other side. "YOU'RE IMPOSSIBLE!"


The TARDIS stops and he walks around the console to you, fuming. "No one else I've ever traveled with would've done that! Not a single one!"

"Oh, so your precious Rose wouldn't've tried to save the world?!" It slips out before you can stop it.

It sets him off, but he doesn't scream. He's too angry to. "You're useless, Y/N. All you ever do is get in the way."

"Fine," you say, matching his tone and heading for the door. "Then, good riddance, Doctor. I hope I never see you again."

"I hope the same," he says as you open the door and slam it behind you.

Immediately, a green light hits the ground next to you and you realize you're not on Earth. The TARDIS is already leaving, so you can't exactly turn around and go back.

The residents of the planet are running around in a panic as scary, metal, very tall dudes chase them around with blasters that shoot deadly green light.

You don't know what low-budget movie set you just walked on, but you're ready to leave.

You take cover and pull out your phone, going to call the Doctor to take you home despite the fight you're still angry about.

You hand hovers over the call button, then you pocket your phone as his words come back to you.

You're not useless. You're gonna prove him wrong.

You're gonna save this planet.


"Did she have to bring up Rose?!" the Doctor fumes to the TARDIS, having just landed back on Earth. She makes a disgruntled noise in response and the Doctor sighs. "Okay, I know I was out of line with what I said, but I was angry! She brought up Rose!"

The TARDIS makes another noise.

"And she worried me! I nearly had two heart attacks - one for each heart! She could've been killed!"

Another noise.

"Are you really taking her side?"

Another, more insistent noise.

The Doctor's eyes widen. "I left her on another planet."


These tall dudes, who you've decided to call Slendermorts, are deadly. (They're tall and they kill people with green light - enough said.)

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now