Preference: I Need You | Into the Spider-Verse

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Prompt #19
Requested by @Courtie9876 , simply_jenna3000 , and @InsertNameofChoice

This is basically like two imagines in one bc these is super long also I got nauseous while writing Miles' so

Summary: Scenarios in which he says, "I need you," to you.

QOTP: Which Spider-person (or ham) is your favorite?

Word Count: 5195

Miles -
It's seven thirty in the evening when you're sitting at the desk in your dorm at Brooklyn Visions Academy, where you don't want to be. But when Miles' parents talked to your parents about some fancy academy he was taking an entrance exam for, they thought you should do it, too. You both passed, of course, and him being here too makes things less horrible, considering you've been friends since you were babies (your parents were neighbors before you were born).

You lean your head on your hand as you attempt to finish your homework, though your eyes keep closing without your volition. You're about to crash onto the table when you hear a knock on your door.

No, not your door. Your window.

You turn in your chair, thinking you just imagined the noise, but then you see Miles looking at you through the glass.

You jump up immediately and slide the window open, not letting him in or get a word in edgewise. "Are you insane?! It's almost eight o'clock, and you're trying to get into my room through the window?! You're lucky my roommate isn't in here, or we'd both be kicked out of here so fast, your head would spin! We still could if we get caught!" It's then that you see the pure panic on his face. Your expression morphs from anger to concern. "What's wrong?"

"Y/N, you gotta help me," he says as you back up and let him into the room.

After you close the window, you turn and walk over to him, looking up at him — which you didn't have to do until this morning. You notice some cuts and bruises on his face. "What happened, Miles?"

"I got bit by a spider."

"... Okay?"

"It wasn't a normal spider."

You pause for a moment. "What do you-?"

He interrupts you by holding up his hand, which has a Spiderman comic attached to it. "It was a Spiderman spider." You grab the comic, going to take it from him, but it stays stuck to his hand. He looks at you, helpless.

Earlier that day, you noticed him... sticking to things quite often. You had no idea what was wrong with him and told him to go wash his hands, but you didn't have a solution for the two feet (or at least it felt like two feet) that he'd grown overnight.

You sigh, then move his hand and open the comic book, reading the panels. In it, Spiderman keeps sticking to things. "I mean, it could be a coincidence-"

"It's not," Miles says. He looks like he's about to cry. "I... I went to go find the spider again, and I did — it wasn't normal. But after that... I found Spiderman and... he said that I was like him and he'd show me the ropes, and then... Kingpin killed him."

Your eyes widen. "Miles-"

He reaches into his pocket with his free hand and pulls out something that looks like a flash drive. "He gave me this, and told me to use it to stop the particle collider from turning on again — because if it does, it could destroy everything. And I mean that literally."

He explains the situation to you as he knows it and tells you the specifics of what he saw. Tears are already falling, silently, and you're about to cry, too, simply from seeing him cry.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now