Mugs and Meetings | Peter Parker

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Yes, there are Endgame SPOILERS. NO Far From Home SPOILERS

Thank you guys for 300k!!!!

Summary: You like Peter Parker, and you have for a long time. So, you decide to make your move. But, you have a tiny obstacle to get through before you can really date Peter...

QOTP: Thoughts on Thor in Endgame?

Word Count: 3600

Peter Parker.

Peter. Parker.

You've liked him since the ninth grade.

Even so, you got a boyfriend at the beginning of your sophomore year, deciding Peter would never like you back when someone else asked you out. You broke up with him after homecoming because you realized how much you still liked Peter — especially after seeing him with Liz — and that was unfair to your boyfriend.

Now, after half the world got wiped out, then brought back five years later, it's finally your senior year, and you still like Peter.

What happened five years ago has given you — and everyone else — a new perspective on life. Now, especially knowing that Peter was one of the people who got dusted, the silly fears of rejection you once had have gone out the window. It's now or never. Either of you could bite it at any moment.

So, here you are, walking towards Peter as he talks to Ned while getting books out of his locker. You're nervous, but you remind yourself that the worst that can happen is he rejects you, and you're forced to move on.

No biggie...

"Peter," you say. "Hey."

He turns, then smiles when he sees you. "Hey, Y/N."

You resist the urge to take a deep breath, even though you feel like you're about to run out of air. "I was wondering if you'll be free this Friday...?"

"Ye-Yeah," he says, nodding as his cheeks turn pink. "I'll be free."

"Cool," you reply. "Would you — maybe — wanna, um, go do something together or... something?"

He nods again. "Yeah, I would love that."

You grin. "Great."


"See you Friday."

You start to leave, but then he stops you. "Wait, you meant that as like a date, right?"

Internally, you panic a little. "Yeah."

He smiles, sounding relieved. "Okay, cool. 'Cause I did, too."

"Cool," you reply, smiling again. "See you then?"

"See you then."

After you leave, Peter starts freaking out with Ned as you resist the urge to squeal or punch your fist in the air happily.


Your stomach is filled with butterflies as you answer the door and see Peter standing on the other side of it. He's wearing a sweater over a button-up shirt and jeans, and he's holding a small bouquet of flowers. He seems nervous. "He-Hey. These are for you."

You take them, blushing. "Oh, th-thank you. You didn't have to get these."

He shrugs a little, his face red. "I-I wanted to."

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