Cute Neighbor Boy | Spencer Reid

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Thanks to the idoot for the help DJ_Tatortot

Y/F/N means "your friend's name".

Summary: You're his new neighbor, and you start talking...

QOTP: Lila or Maeve?

Word Count: 3672

"Hey, Y/F/N, remember when you told me I might 'find love' here and I said you were insane because I was already planning on becoming a crazy cat lady?" you ask into the phone, entering your new apartment in D.C.

Your best friend, Y/F/N, takes a second to respond; that was the first thing you said when she picked up the phone. "Uh... yes?"

"Well, we have a problem."

She gasps. "You met somebody! Oo, what's his name?"

You plop down on your new couch. "Well, I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

You pause. "I haven't talked to him..."

"Are you kidding?!" Y/F/N shouts. "You can't call me and tell me you met somebody when you actually haven't."

"Hey, you made that assumption," you correct. "And, anyway, it's not like I deliberately avoided talking to him. He's my neighbor, right? And I was heading up to my apartment as he was leaving his. And he looked like he was in a hurry. Didn't even glance at me."

"So, if he's your neighbor, that means you're gonna get another chance to talk to him?"


"You better. Or I will fight you."

You laugh, twisting to lay down on the couch. "Okay, I will. Promise."

"So, what's he look like?" Y/F/N asks.

"Well, he's tall. And his hair is brown and... floofy? I don't know how else to describe it. And he's cute, and he'd be more cute if he didn't look so stressed out when I saw him. And... don't laugh, okay?"

"Don't laugh?" Y/F/N repeats, confused. "Why would I laugh?"

"He was wearing something that you're gonna find funny and nerdy because you didn't see him in it."


You hesitate, then sigh. "A sweater vest."

Y/F/N doesn't even try to hold in a laugh. "A sweater vest?!"

"It was cute on him!"

"Won't believe it 'til I see it."

"Well, I can't just take a picture of him! Look, the point is he made the sweater vest look cute."

Y/F/N snorts. "Who is he? Cole Sprouse?"

You laugh. "No! But you gotta admit that's impressive; few people can make a sweater vest look cute."

"Well, apparently Cute Neighbor Boy can."

"Oh, yeah."


You're walking up the stairs, shopping bags in hand - new apartment stuff - when someone bumps into you.

You look up and see Cute Neighbor Boy, heading the other way. You lock eyes and he smiles sheepishly. "Sorry."

"It-It's okay," you stutter out as he continues down the stairs, in a hurry again.

As soon as he's gone, you rush upstairs, set your bags down, and grab your phone. "Y/F/N, guess what happened?"

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