Preference: First Adventure | Doctor Who

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I don't know why you're so sassy in these. Lay off the salt.

Summary: Your first adventure with your Doctor.

QOTP: If you could go anywhere with the Doctor, where would you go?

Word Count: 776

Nine -
"Are you sure?" he asks.

You cross your arms, "When I say the end of the world, I mean the end of the world." He sighs uneasily and opens the TARDIS doors. You emerge on a spaceship overlooking the Earth. "Well," you say, "that's... never thought I'd see this in person." He smiles and you laugh. His ears...

"Have you ever been to the end of the world?" you ask.

He shrugs, "Once. Have you?"

"A few times. My family would take me on holiday."

"Oh. Now I see why you chose this place."

You both laugh and wait for the Earth to explode. "It's weird," you say, "thinking about the fact that my grave is down there. That I died billions of years ago. My bones are in the ground and it's all about to explode."

The Doctor shrugs, "Time's funny like that."

Ten -
You run out of the TARDIS before he does. "Hold on!" he yells after you. "I didn't even get a chance to say Allons-y!"

"Oh my..." you trail off, stopping in the middle of the field you've landed in.

The Doctor jogs up next to you. "Welcome to New New York," he says.

"It's beautiful."

"Isn't it?"

"Well I just said it was, didn't I?"

He takes you to the most beautiful parts of the city, showing you around. "The highway... that was a mess. Glad to see they've improved." You have no idea what "the highway" is, but you nod. You've quickly learned that with the Doctor, if you don't understand something, it's best to just smile and nod.

Eleven -
"This could be dangerous," he warns, blocking the TARDIS door.

You sigh, "I know. That's why I wanted to come."

"Your interest is troubling," he replies, but he opens the door anyway.

You look around as you step out. "And the angels are...?" you ask.

He turns, "Probably over there. I don't know. Just look for statues." You nod and sigh, then follow him.

"So they can zap you back in time?" you ask.

He nods, falling into step with you. "And if they do, it'll be pretty hard for me to get you back."

"You have a time machine."

"I don't know what year you'd be in. And I could get zapped back too. Abandoned with no TARDIS. It's happened before. Had to go through a lot of trouble to get out of that."

You only nod, keeping an eye out for the angels.

When you find one, you stop in your tracks. "Well, here we are. Don't blink. Don't walk away. Keep your eyes on it," he says. You nod, already struggling to keep your eyes open. Then, you have the bright idea to keep one eye open at a time.

"What are you looking for?!" you ask loudly as he's walking off. You get no reply and a flare of panic goes up in your chest.

You start backing up to make sure he hasn't been zapped back in time - or at least to get to the TARDIS - but, considering you're in a cemetery, you trip over a tombstone behind you.

In that split second, the angel moves. Laying on the ground, wide-eyed, you don't dare to look away from the angel looming over you, its hand outstretched towards your face.

You take a deep breath, and, without taking your eyes off the angel, manage to wriggle away from it. You stand again, then continue backing up, but more carefully. Suddenly, someone grabs your hand and jerks you away from the angel.

The Doctor is sprinting, causing you to struggle to keep up. "There's a problem. A really big problem." You look back and, for a split second, the six angels chasing you stop in their tracks.

You turn back around and run straight for the TARDIS.

Twelve -
"Exterminate!" The voice is shrill, and, quite frankly, annoying.

"Why aren't we fighting?" you ask the Doctor, who has his hearts set on hiding.

"Daleks are one of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy," he replies.

You scoff. "They literally look like salt shakers."

"They will kill you."

"What are they gonna do? Whisk me? I'm not Dan Howell; that's not the least bit frightening."

"Those whisks are weapons."

"Oh, no!" you sarcastically whisper. "The Whisks of Doom!"

The Doctor sighs. "You're impossible."

"And you're over 2,000 years old, but I haven't said anything about that, now have I?"

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