Pizza | Shaun Murphy

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First Good Doctor imagine!

Thanks to @Kiim_uk for all the votes!

Summary: You move into a new apartment and meet Shaun Murphy.

QOTP: Melendez or Andrews?

Word Count: 3206

"If only I had a boyfriend, I would be able to build this stupid bookcase," you sigh to yourself, sitting on the floor in the middle of your new apartment, pieces of a bookcase surrounding you.

The move to San Jose was tough, but necessary for college/work/your entire future career-wise. You spent forever looking for a nice, cheap apartment in a good neighborhood, then all your prayers were answered when an apartment suddenly became vacant.

So, here you are.

You huff and look at the directions again, trying to make sense of it all.

Fifteen minutes later, you realize you need a screwdriver. You don't currently own a screwdriver, so, basically, you're screwed.

You could ask your neighbor, but social interaction sucks. But also you need to build this bookshelf.

You weigh your options for a good five minutes, then suck it up and step out into the hall. Now, the decision must be made: right or left?

On your left, the hallway turns off into another string of apartments, but there's an apartment only a few away on your right, which means less walking and less choices.

You knock on the door, and it takes a few seconds for a boy about your age to answer the door. Your breath nearly hitches and you mentally berate yourself for being lazy and not going left. He's cute, and you're about to make a fool of yourself.

Blue eyes, feathery brown hair, and an innocent expression on his face that gives the impression that he's thinking about something.

"Hello," he says, almost monotonously, pronouncing every syllable. "I'm Doctor Shaun Murphy. I am a surgical resident a San Jose Hospital."

"Hi," you say, this close to blushing. You gesture behind you to your cracked-open apartment door. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, I'm not a doctor, and I just moved in. I-I need a screwdriver. Do you have one I could borrow?"

He turns wordlessly and walks back into his apartment. It looks ridiculously neat, not to mention the fact that all of his furniture is in the center of the room. That's your second clue that he's different.

That's not a bad thing, though, and it's definitely not your main focus. Honestly, it's number three on the list:

1. He's a cute boy.
2. You need a screwdriver.
3. He's different.

There's no number four.

He comes back after seemingly rummaging in a drawer for a few moments, screwdriver in hand. It's then you remember there are different kinds of screwdrivers for different nails, but the one he has seems like the one you need.

"Screwdriver," he says, handing it to you, though not looking at you while he speaks. He's been doing that the whole time.

You smile. "Thanks, Shaun. I'll probably be back in, like, an hour. Maybe more."



An hour and a half later, your bookshelf is built and you're done with Shaun's screwdriver. You take it back over to him.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now