Doughnuts Make Everything Better | Cameron Black

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Summary: You've just started your new job in the FBI, and, as it turns out, you're working with world renowned illusionist and escape artist, Cameron Black.

QOTP: Cameron or Johnathan?

Word Count: 2798

"... And that's it," Agent Kay Daniels says, finishing up your little tour of your new workplace. She turns to you. "You'll have to get caught up on our current cases, of course, and I'll get you those files."

You smile. "Thanks. I'm excited about working here. Took a lot to get here..."

Kay agrees; there's a good amount of requirements for being in the FBI, and the process is also pretty long and, sometimes, tiring. Then again, it kind of has to be.

"Hey, guys."

For most of the people in the building.

Kay turns towards Cameron Black, who's just entered. "Hey. Cameron, we have a new agent working with us - this is Y/N."

You grin and step forward, extending your hand. "Y/N Y/L/N. I've seen some of your work; it's pretty impressive."

He smiles, and it's almost a smirk as he shakes your hand. "Cameron Black. Thanks."

Kay snorts lightly and starts to make her way into the conference room, where Cameron's Mystery Woman case board is, and where the case files are. You and Cameron follow, and she hands you a file from off the table. "This case is the main reason Cameron's here."

As you look it over, Cameron explains the basics. "My twin brother, Johnathon, was framed for murdering this woman with different colored eyes, who's actually alive and orchestrated the whole thing, so now the FBI's agreed to help me find her if I help them with cases related to my area of expertise."

"This case," Kay says, handing you another file, "is the one we're currently working on." Cameron takes the previous file from you so can look the new one over. Kay explains it briefly. "A church's stained-glass window was stolen, and we think this street artist, Bishop, is involved."

You look over the file for a minute more, then hand it back to Kay. "So, what? We need to find Bishop, don't we?"

"Yeah, that's kinda impossible," Cameron says. "No one knows who or where he is. Like, at all. But I'm gonna go visit Johnathan and see if he has any input."


You visited another artist Bishop used to be rivals with - Switch - who knew nothing. Then, after you left, a bomb exploded inside Switch's studio.

After, you figured out where the heists were gonna happen through a code in the paintings that Johnathan figured out, then picked up a guy who you thought was Bishop, but wasn't. Bishop hired him - Mekka - to paint the paintings for him.

Then, Cameron was convinced Bishop was connected to the Mystery Woman, but he's not.

This all leads up to now - Cameron is disguised as Mekka, having just painted his signature on the top of a building. Three other men who work for Bishop are leading him to the painter in question.

And they're doing it by jumping across rooftops as you, Kay, and Cameron's team follow in a van on the ground.

"He's going to fall," you say, admittedly worried. You've only known him for a few days, but he's nice, and it'd suck if he fell.

"No, he's not," the woman in front of you says quietly. She's on Cameron's team - her name is Dina - and she's the one talking to him on a headset.

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