Preference: Christopher Robin Quote | Supernatural

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I love this movie so much ugh. And I added Kevin because I had five quotes and I wanted to use them all.

Idoot helped DJ_Tatortot

Summary: A Christopher Robin/Winnie the Pooh quote said by you to your boyfriend.

QOTP: Are you on an expotition, too?

Word Count: 1873

Cas -
Life as a hunter, in a word, sucks. You know that very well, but not from experience - from word of mouth. Getting kidnapped by demons tends to suck terribly, too, but you know this first hand.

It happened to you once, and that was how you met the Winchesters. You decided to stay with them, and - not being one for guns, monsters, or all those dreadful things - you opted to do research instead.

That's what you're doing right now, in fact - trying to find a way to kill an un-killable monster, who, conversely, is scheming to end the world.

And there's nothing very unusual about these circumstances at all.

The fact of the matter is, your search has turned nothing of use, so you have to conjure up plan to stop or slow it down. It's not going very well.

Then, Castiel walks into the library and finds you sitting with your head down as if you're resting. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Nothing," you reply, not even bothering to sit up.

He makes his way to your chair. He's concerned, but also confused. "Why? I thought you were making a plan."

You sigh, shaking your head without lifting it. "I'm out of ideas."

Castiel becomes even more confused. "And this will help because...?"

You're so mentally tired that you don't even make an attempt at explaining the situation in your own words. Instead, you quote the first thing that comes to mind: Winnie the Pooh. "Doing nothing often leads to the very best kind of something."

Castiel, of course, doesn't recognize the quote. "I'm... not sure what that means, but it also kind of makes sense at the same time..."

You don't register what he says, lost in your own thought. Finally, you sit up and look at him tiredly. "I need coffee, a cake, a laptop, and a kiss if I'm gonna figure this out."

He leans down and lightly kisses you, then stands again. "I'll go get Sam and Dean."

Dean -
A sprained wrist seemed like such a trivial thing, but it proved you wrong when it put you out of commission.

A simple werewolf hunt turned out not to be a simple werewolf hunt, and now you can't hunt anything for a while. So, you've become temporary researcher, and you have absolutely nothing to do when Sam and Dean don't need any research done.

This means, of course, you're terribly bored.

You're sitting on the couch in Dean's "Fortress of Dean-itude" upside down. You've been this way for quite some time, trying to figure out why everything seems much more entertaining when viewed like this.

Then, Dean himself walks in, and you can tell that he's not a happy camper. You're concerned, but also relieved to not be alone anymore. Looking up at him, you quirk a brow. "You seemed stressed."

He sighs and sits down next to you, though he chooses to be right side up. "That's 'cause I am."

Your brows morph from a playful quirk into a concerned furrow. "Why?"

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