Gone | Castiel

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Requested by Hufflepuff_Girl_14


Summary: You get kidnapped by angels who are after Castiel.

QOTP: Dean and Daphne or Sam and Velma?

Word Count: 1496

You've known Sam and Dean Winchester since you were kids, and when your parents died fighting a wraith, you started hunting with them.

A year later, Dean went to Hell.

And Castiel pulled him out.

You were interested in him immediately, and you quickly took a liking to him due to how clueless, and therefore cute, he was. That was another thing that confused him, but he couldn't say he didn't like you, too. In an infatuated sort of way.

Through the ups and many downs (deaths, etc.), you and Cas were always close. You've always been close with Sam and Dean, but this was different.

Way different.

You'd liked Cas for a while, and Sam and Dean knew. They teased you about it a lot, but also told you to tell him how you felt. You refused, but then Cas and Dean got stuck in Purgatory.

The second you saw Cas after he got out, you didn't even think; you kissed him.

And he kissed back.

Two years later, you have Metaron problems.

You're not entirely clear on what he wants, and you haven't seen him in a while, but you know something's up.

Now, you're on a hunt, still trying to figure out exactly what the monster is. Sam sends you and Dean out on a food run.

"I wanted to take a nap," Dean complains.

"If you'd let me drive Baby, you could stay here-"

"No." When you make it to the fast food restaurant, Dean parks the car. "You go in and order; I'm staying in the car."

You look at him incredulously for a few moments. "Are you serious?"

He leans back in the seat. "Yep."

You sigh and get out of the car and round the corner, heading for the front doors and trying to remember if Dean wanted tomato on his burger.

Then, someone grabs you from behind, their arm wrapping around your waist. Their free hand closes over your mouth as they drag you around the back of the building. They let you go, only to punch you in the face until you're out cold.


"Sam, Y/N is gone," Dean says over the phone, driving like a maniac back to the motel. "I'm coming to get you, get everything packed up."

"What happened?" Sam asks, rushing to pack everything up.

"I don't know, but she's gone. I'm gonna call Cas."

Cas shows up before Dean can even finish his sentence. "Where is she? What happened?"

"That's the problem, Cas," Dean says, glancing at him in the rearview mirror and pulling into the motel parking lot. "She's gone."

Cas goes silent as Sam runs out of the room and throws three duffel bags in the back, not noticing Cas at first. Cas just lets them hit him, trying to figure out what happened.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now