Preference: First Kiss | Sherlock

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I love the contrast between Jim's and the other two...

Summary: Your first kiss.

QOTP: Molly or Janine?

Word Count: 885

Jim -
You don't know why you went with him. He was strange, but not necessarily in a bad way. At least, you don't think he is. You barely know him.

He's attractive, there's no doubt about that. Especially in that suit. And if you hadn't been so distracted by his looks or his smooth Scottish accent, you would've wondered why someone would wear a three piece suit on a deserted London street in the dead of night.

Too late now.

"Excuse me, I don't want to bother you, but you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life." There was a glint in his eye when he said it. He flashed something between a smile and a smirk when you blushed.

You've been walking for who knows how long. You should be home by now, asleep. He's talking to you about something when you hear police sirens in the distance. You think you see him smile.

"I don't normally do this," he says.

"Do what?"

He looks over at you with an expression that knocks the breath out of you, and before you know it his lips are on yours and you're hooked.

There's no going back now.

John -
"I had a nice time," you say, coming to your front door. John Watson is standing in front of you, smiling. It's your third date.

"Me, too," he says.

You think something is going to happen. Or, at least, you hope. Your hand is no where near the door nob. "So we can count on a fourth date?"

John chuckles, looking down at his feet, then back up at you again. "We can. We definitely can."

"Great... So I'll text you?"


It goes silent, neither of you wanting to really say goodbye, both hoping for something to happen. For the other one to do something.

Suddenly, John's phone rings. He jumps, pulling it out of his pocket. He looks at who's calling and sighs. "It's Sherlock." He hangs up the phone.

You're slightly disappointed, but you smile. "Off to solve a murder, then?"

He shrugs lightly. "Guess so."

You grab your keys from your bag. "Then, I'll see you later."

"See you." You go to unlock the door, your back to him, thinking he's left, but then he says, "Y/N." You turn and his lips are on yours, and you're so shocked you barely have time to kiss back before he pulls away. He smiles sheepishly. "I just... I had to do that before I left."

His phone starts ringing again. You smile. "While that was nice and I would love to do that again, you better get that."

He answers the phone and starts to walk down your porch. "Bye, Y/N."


"No- I was on a date, you twit! Sherlock..."

Sherlock -
You've been dating for three months.

And nothing has happened.

You go on dates, you hang out, you help him solve cases. Don't get me wrong; you wouldn't trade it for the world. You just wish he'd kiss you already.

Sure, you could take matters into your own hands and kiss him, but you're not sure how that would go considering he's not comfortable with the whole romance thing.

So, you wait.

And waiting is difficult.

"So, then- Are you even listening to me?" he asks.

You start, having been staring at his lips the entire time he was talking. "What? Yes! I'm listening. I am so listening."

He looks at you skeptically from his chair. "What have I been talking about for the past ten minutes?"

"... A case?"

"More specifically?"

"Um... Someone killed someone and you're trying to figure out who?"

He looks at you for a second. "You weren't listening."

"Sorry, I just... got distracted."

He sighs. "It's alright..." He sits back and thinks, and finds that he can't think about the case at all. He's thinking about what you were distracted by.

You obviously want to kiss him - you've done that a couple times now - and he wants to kiss you, too, so what's stopping him from going for it?

That is a great question he's still trying to figure out the answer to.



There's a long pause, and you quirk an eyebrow at him, imploring him to continue. He shakes his head. "Never mind."

You become suspicious. "Okay...?"

He's goes quiet again, and you assume the conversation's over and settle into the couch. Then, he speaks. "Could you come here for a second?"

You sigh. "Your phone isn't even a foot away from you-"

He dismisses the thought with a wave of his hand. "No, that's not what I want."

You're even more suspicious now that you were before. "Then what do you want?"

"Just come here."

"I'm not getting up if it's not necessary."



"For Pete's sake!" He gets up, strides over to you, leans down, and kisses you all in one motion. You're too shocked to do anything for a few seconds, but then you manage to stand from the couch without breaking the kiss. You wrap your arms around each other and eventually pull away for air.

"Well..." you say, breathless.

He smirks. "Well."

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