Nightmares, Juice, and Seriousness | T'Challa Udaku

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Your powers are basically the powers from The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan.

Summary: Thanos is about to destroy the universe, but who cares? You're too busy falling in love...

QOTP: Are you excited for the movie?

Word Count: 1982

When you meet T'Challa Udaku, you look at him funny. He immediately becomes concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," you reply, shaking your head. "I'm just not used to seeing you not in a cat suit."


You shrug. "Cats are cuter."

You're all staying in the Avenger's base to prepare to stop Thanos, the feud momentarily forgotten. There's also some other recruits staying with you; Peter Parker, Steven Strange and a few of his friends, a team from space led by a man named Peter Quill, and an extremely vulgar guy who's invincible. Among others.

There's only a handful of you who don't actually have powers, and you are not one of them. You're an Egyptian magician.

You were not necessarily born in Egypt; you're a descendant of a Pharaoh, who was gifted powers by one of the gods. The god that gifted your ancestor was Ra, the sun god.

And the gods aren't really gods - they're aliens that have powers that the Egyptians adopted. The theory that aliens helped build the pyramids? Yeah.

The thing you've worked out with Thor is that the Egyptians gods exist in one of the nine worlds, and the Duat, the underlying world of magic Egyptian magicians can reach into and store magic weaponry and tools in, is one of the nine worlds. Haven't figured out which one yet.

Anyway, one night, you wake up from a nightmare in which Thanos kills everyone except you, leaving you completely alone. You can't fall back asleep, so you decide to go to the kitchen and get some juice.

You're digging in the fridge when you hear footsteps behind you. You take a second to decide what to do, then turn around, quickly reaching into the Duat and pulling out your staff that Tony recently reinforced with vibrainium.

Looking at your attacker, you quickly realize it's a startled T'Challa, raising his hands in surrender. You breathe a sigh of relief, then put your staff back.

And then quickly turn back around because you just realized he's shirtless.

"I'm sorry," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine," you laugh, pulling your juice out of the fridge. "So what are you doing up? Can't sleep?"

He nods. "I have been... worried about Thanos. I came to get some water."

You grab two cups out of the cabinet and hand him one, making sure to keep your eyes solely on his face. He nods in thanks. You glance down.


You turn and pour your juice, putting it away then jumping up and sitting on the counter. He fills his cup up from the tap. "What are you doing up?"

You hesitate. "Can't sleep either." It's silent for a moment, then you say, "You know, I expected you to get milk instead of water."

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