Preference: Some Girls | Sherlock

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John's is the emotional one this time wow this never happens

Summary: Based on a line in Some Girls from the musical Once on This Island.

QOTP: Have you heard Once on This Island?

Word Count: 895

Jim - some girls you picture, some you hold
He just happened upon it. He was scrolling through Instagram, and there it was.

The picture. The girl.


He couldn't explain why, but he was obsessed with it - with her. He scrolled through her account a thousand times a day. He thought about her even more. He pictured her face every time he closed his eyes. She was perfect, and he had to have her. He had to.

So, he sent Sebastian to find her.

It wasn't that difficult, considering the slew of information a social media account provides. All that was left was to introduce himself.

How was the only question.

There was Plan A, then Plan B. He hoped it wouldn't come to Plan B; he wanted her to love him because she chose to, not because he forced her.

But he would do what was necessary, if it came down to it.

He staged a happenstance meeting with her. He charmed her into loving him. It was almost too easy.

He has her now, holding her as they watch a movie - something she picked out. He treats her like a queen; how could he not? She's everything to him.

And she'll never leave him.

He'll make certain of that.

John - some girls you marry, some you love
You met John in the grocery store, when he was fighting with a chip and pin machine. Not exactly love at first sight, but you found it quite funny.

You went out on a date. Then two. Then three.

Eventually, you met Sherlock Holmes. He thought you would be another one of John's short-lived relationships. John worried you would be, too, when Sherlock deduced your entire life story the second you walked in the room.

Instead, you were amazed. "How did you do that?"

You started getting involved in their cases, helping wherever you could. You learned a thing or two along the way.

Sherlock liked you.

John was in love with you. He was even going to propose.

Then, Sherlock jumped.

John just fell apart. You did your best to help him, even through the pain you were feeling yourself. But it wasn't enough. You separated. You stopped talking. For two years, the only person you ever heard from was Mrs. Hudson.

And then Sherlock came back.

He found you, and when you told him what happened with John, he didn't know what to think. He knew it was his fault, but you didn't blame him. You lied and said you'd moved on.

Then, Sherlock found John.

With Mary.

Even after you started working cases together again, he was with Mary. He didn't love you anymore - not like that.

He married her.

And that night, you left early with Sherlock, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall.

Sherlock - some girls you learn from, some you teach
No one is quite sure how you managed to get Sherlock Holmes to go on a date with you. They were completely shocked when you got him to go on a second date.

And a third.

And a fourth.

Then, finally, you got him to agree to be your boyfriend. He had no ulterior motive, like with Janine. He just genuinely wanted to be with you. And that confused everyone the most.

It even confused Sherlock himself.

He knew that he was displaying the symptoms of love - dilated pupils, elevated pulse, amongst other things - but he couldn't understand why.

He's Sherlock Holmes; he doesn't have feelings.

Or at least, he didn't.

Now, here he is, cuddling with you on the couch. And he's not even bothered by it. You're practically laying on top of him and he doesn't even care.

In fact, he likes it.

"Is this what love is?" he asks quietly to himself.

You don't hear him as you're watching something on your phone, but you do cuddle closer to him. He looks at you, and after a minute of contemplation, he has his answer.


You, as far as he knows, are what love is. With your seemingly constant need to hug or cuddle with him, with the way you kiss him, with your smile and your laugh and your dumb, corny puns that somehow make him chuckle. You unknowingly taught him what love is with every little thing you do.

During this moment of contemplation, whatever you were watching ends, and you put your phone down and look up at him. "Sherlock?"

"Hmm?" he asks, suddenly brought out of his reverie.

"Will you teach me how to deduce?" you ask. "Like you do all the time?"

"I can try."

"Oh, gee, thanks," you jokingly reply.

"I just mean that it's a hard thing to teach," he explains.

Nevertheless, he does. It takes quite a long time, but eventually you start to get a hang of the basics. This is evident when John walks in and you ask, "Why were you at the park?"

"How did you know I was at the park?"

"It's obvious, John," Sherlock replies.

John stands there for a moment, silent, then he sighs. "Oh, blimey, there's two of you now."

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