Preference: Ask Her Out! | Merlin

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Requested by @ImBtsTrashDude

Is "ask her out" a medieval times phrase? No. Did I have any other ideas about what to name this preference? No. So here we are.

Summary: His friends push him to ask you out.

QOTP: Morgana Or Mordred?

Word Count: 2264

Arthur -
Merlin walks into Arthur's chambers shortly before sunrise. He's carrying a plate of breakfast with him, and he quietly sets it on the table. He starts to go get Arthur's clothes for the day when he hears mumbling coming from the bed.

He turns, expecting to see Arthur waking up on his own, but instead he just watches as Arthur rolls from his side to his back, still fast asleep. He mumbles again, though, this time, it's intelligible. "Y/N."

Merlin suppresses a laugh, practically tip-toeing as he gets the clothes. He's used to hearing Arthur talk in his sleep, but he's never heard him say your name before. This could get interesting.

Arthur continues. "No, honey, I'll put her to bed."

Merlin stops, wondering what in the world he's talking about.

"Don't worry about it." He rolls over again. "What kind of father would I be if I didn't put my own daughter to bed?"

Merlin's eyes go wide. Arthur is dreaming about being married to you and putting your — and his — daughter to bed. Merlin, though, having already set out Arthur's clothes, is forced to wake him before his food gets cold.

Arthur seemed disgruntled at being woken up from his dream. However, he doesn't complain as he gets changed and sits down to eat his breakfast.

Merlin smiles cheekily. "Good dream, sire?"

Arthur grunts, then says, "It was fine."

"Sounded... interesting to me."

Arthur stops, his spoon halfway to his lips. "What do you mean 'sounded'? What did you hear?"

Merlin pretends to think for a moment. "Oh, I think it was something along the lines of, 'No, Y/N, my lovely, beautiful wife, I'll put our daughter to bed."

Arthur looks up at Merlin, brows furrowed, though he's blushing. "I never said that."

"Close enough!" Merlin replies. "What else did you say? I think you called her — what was it? — honey?"

Arthur jumps up. "I did not!"

"You did! And, honestly, I'd think she'd quite like you to call her that." He wiggles his eyebrows. Arthur sets off, then, running at him. Merlin turns and sprints out the door. "You like her, you like her!"

"Shut up!"

"But you do! And I'm going to tell her if you don't!" Merlin looks back at him, then turns around again. His eyes widen as he finds you in the middle of his path. You quickly jump out of the way, confused as he runs past you.

This causes you to not notice Arthur, who's so intent on killing Merlin, he doesn't see you, either. You crash into each other, both of you falling to the ground. He looks at you with wide eyes. "I'm so sorry."

You shake your head, laughing. "It's alright."

Suddenly, Merlin looks around the corner. "Tell her!"

"Merlin-" Arthur starts angrily.

Merlin begins running away. "Tell her! Ask her out!"

Arthur starts to get up to go after him. "Merlin-"

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now