Preference: When You Mess Up (Pictures) | Sherlock

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Kind of like a gif preference but with pictures. A picture preference. Gotta love alliteration.

I got the idea when I saw the cake in Sherlock's on Instagram, so I should probably credit the account who posted it: @ crackmermaids

Summary: How you make it up to him when you mess up. Like really mess up.

QOTP: Basically all of these involve food, so what's your favorite dessert?

Word Count: 610

Jim -
He's already a loose cannon as it is. Almost anything could just absolutely set him off, depending on the day. Usually, it's not you; it's more likely one of his employees. But, sometimes, you make mistakes. You're human, it happens.

Jim, however, doesn't always see mistakes as happy accidents.

When you genuinely mess up — like when you're really at fault — the best thing to do is wait for him to stop yelling (not necessarily at you, just general yelling). Then, you make him a nice dinner as an apology and, after eating it, sit down to watch one of his favorite movies. By the end of it, he'll be calm. He might even apologize for the yelling.

 He might even apologize for the yelling

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John -John is a very understanding person

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John -
John is a very understanding person. And, usually, when you make a mistake, you apologize and everything thing is right with the world (it's the same when he makes a mistake, too).

But when you screw up — really screw up — it's a different situation.

John is still understanding, but he's also more upset, even though he knows you didn't do whatever it was on purpose. On the other hand, you feel extremely guilty for it and have to make it up to him in the best way you possibly can.

An entire day of doing absolutely everything that John loves to do. You might even take off work for it.

You go eat at all his favorite restaurants, go shopping at all his favorite stores, visit the British Museum or something like that, and you pay for all of it.

About halfway through the day he assures you've made up for what you did, but you won't hear of it. Not until sunset, at least, when you finally head back to 221B Baker Street.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now