Preference: First Kiss | Criminal Minds

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Requested by @TeenageLonerGal

Luke's is kinda short...

Summary: Your first kiss.

QOTP: Prentiss or JJ?

Word Count: 1255

Derek -
"If I never go on another case again, I'll be happy," you say tiredly, entering the BAU after a long flight back from California.

"You said it," Prentiss says from behind you.

Rossi sighs. "And now it's time for reports." The entire teams groans.

"I don't know about you, but I'm doing mine tomorrow," Spencer says. A few others decide to do the same.

You, however, don't.

A little over half an hour later, you're sitting at your desk, still typing your report. The only other person that's there is Derek, whom you're not officially dating, but have gone out on a few dates with.

Basically you're at that awkward point where you're not sure how things are gonna go.

He walks over to your desk and leans on the back of your chair. "You goin' home any time soon?"

"When I finish this report," you reply, barely paying attention to him. You're too tired to focus on two things at once.

"Are you almost finished with it?" he asks, cocking an eyebrow, though you can't see him.


"It's four a.m., Y/N," he says.

You continue typing. "And?"

"And you should go home. It's late."

"I wanna finish this first."

There's a pause, then he grabs the arm rests on your chair and turns you around to face him. "You can finish it tomorrow."

"I'll stress about it all night if I don't," you reply, fully aware of how close he is.

He chuckles. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

You smile. "Well, I try."

He leans down towards you and your heart skips a beat. You think he's gonna kiss you, but he reaches behind you and shuts your laptop. "Go home."

"No-" You're unable to suppress a yawn, causing him to laugh.

"See?" he says. "You're exhausted."

"I'm fine," you insist, trying to turn your chair back around, but he's still holding the arm rests.

He leans just that much closer, and you decide that if he's not going to kiss you, then you're going to kiss him. "No, you're not-"

He's cut off by your lips on his, but he's not complaining.

Luke -
You've only been out on a few dates - he asked you out two months after he joined the BAU. Your fifth date is a morning run in the park with his dog, Roxy, whom you've been dying to meet for forever.

"Oh, my gosh, I'm in love," you say within five seconds of meeting her. She seems to like you, too.

Luke laughs. "That's what I said when I adopted her."

You continue to pet her as she tries to lick your face. "No, no, no. We only just met, you can't kiss me yet," you joke.

Finally, you actually start running, keeping up with both Luke and Roxy. After running two miles, you stop and take a break. You catch your breath. "Running is a lot more fun with a dog."

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