A Whole Lot Hotter | Peter Parker

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I'm literally writing this immediately after leaving the theater from seeing Spiderman Homecoming.

Also, Peter is sixteen in this imagine (in the movie, he's fifteen).

Summary: You meet Peter Parker, your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

QOTP: Did you like Spiderman Homecoming?

Word Count: 1413

You're sitting in class, bored out of your mind and waiting for the bell to ring. A book is open on your desk - one you've read before, but it's one of your favorites.

You manage to finish a chapter before the bell rings, and you hurriedly shove your book in your bag when it does.

The hallway is loud with chatter and extremely crowded as usual, and you push through the sort-of idling students so you can get home as fast as possible.

Up ahead, you notice two boys standing in the middle of the hallway, basically blocking the flow of 'traffic'. You inwardly sigh in annoyance and go to push past them when someone bumps into you.

You knock one of the boys into the lockers, immediately think 'Serves him right,' then you see his face.


He's cute.

"I'm sorry," he says. You struggle to find words. His brows furrow. "You okay? Is-Is it something I said? I-I didn't mean to be-"

"It's okay."

You inwardly cringe and try to (metaphorically) regain your footing. "Somebody bumped into me. I didn't mean-"

"It's okay."

He smiles a little, and it's somehow awkward, yet charming. "Uh, I'm Peter - Peter Parker."

"Y/N Y/L/N."

Peter's friend clears his throat. "Hi. I'm here, too."

"Oh, uh, this is Ned," Peter says, blushing a little. He can barely look you in the eye - just staring at his shoes, trying to find the words to say.

"Um, so I'll see you around?" he says.

You smile. "Yeah."


Peter is with Ned, standing in the middle of the hallway. They're looking at Liz Allan. Peter has a sort-of crush on her.

Sure, they've talked a couple times, but that's about it. It's more of an... infatuation. Doesn't mean it's not something, though...

Then, someone shouts at him. "Quit staring, Parker! It's creepy."


"And get out of the hallway!" she adds. Peter and Ned start to do that, but then Liz walks by and smiles at Peter.

And then he's shoved into the lockers.

He looks up at who shoved him and sees...


Wow. Okay. Very cute. This is bad. What's wrong with you? What about Liz? Liz isn't here, Liz isn't your girlfriend. You've got no shot with her anyways. Don't screw this up. Don't. Screw. This. Up.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now