Preference: Defending Each Other | The Good Doctor

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Requested by @camcrusher123

Summary: You defend him or he defends you.

QOTP: Melendez or Andrews?

Word Count: 1611

Jared -
Learning a new surgical resident was transferring to Denver Memorial Hospital worried you a little; it meant you had more competition. However, when you actually met him, you were pleasantly surprised by a cute and kind doctor named Jared Kalu.

Thus far, the other surgical residents haven't spoken to him much, but you've basically become best friends in the few weeks he's been here.

Then, one day, you walk by two of your colleagues - Amanda and Charlotte - and hear one of them say Jared's name. Of course, you can't help but listen, so you hide behind an open door to hear what they're talking about.

"He left San Jose for a reason, you know," Amanda says. There's a pause, then she continues, quieter this time. "He attacked another doctor."

"He what?" Charlotte asks in disbelief.

"Attacked another doctor. Then, he claimed it was self defense," Amanda adds. You don't know where she got her information from; that's not exactly true. (Jared told you what happened.)

"I knew he was off from the start," Charlotte says. "That's why I've been avoiding him."

"Me, too," Amanda replies. "I don't even know how he managed to get a residency here."

By this point, you're fuming, and you decide not to stand by and let them trash him like that. So, you come out from behind the door and walk right up to them. "Maybe because he's a good doctor. And he doesn't judge other people without even knowing them."

Amanda looks horrified, then quickly attempts to recover. "Were you listening in on our conversation?"

"Yeah," you reply bluntly, "and I'm disgusted. Firstly, you've barely even spoken to him, so I don't know why you think you know everything about him. Secondly, I don't know where you got your information from because it's wrong. And even if it wasn't, why would it be your business?"

"He attacked another-"

"He didn't attack him. And honestly, the guy deserved it. You'd know if you actually talked to Jared. And all that crap about him being off? Bull. He's the nicest resident in this hospital, especially considering the other three are you two and me."


"And you know what the sad thing is?" you continue. "I don't think he would've said a word if he heard you talking just now. And if he did, he'd be a lot nicer than me about it. So you better hope I don't catch you talking about him again."

With that, you turn and make your exit. However, you're cut short. Jared is standing there, within earshot of the whole speech.

He smiles. "Thanks, Y/N."

Blushing like crazy, you look at the floor and shrug. "Well, what else was I supposed to do?"

Neil (Melendez) -
"What if I say something stupid?" you worriedly ask, anxiety sitting like a pit in your stomach.

"You're not going to say something stupid," Neil reassures, glancing at you, then turning back to the road. "Stop worrying so much; you'll be fine."

"But what if they hate me?" you ask, referring to his parents, whom you're about to meet for the first time.

"They won't hate you; I promise," he says. "It'll be fine."

"I hope so," you mumble, though more 'what if's continue to flood your mind.

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