Preference: Regeneration | Doctor Who

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Summary: Your reaction to his regeneration.

QOTP: Did you like Capaldi as the Doctor?

Word Count: 715

Nine -
When he regenerates, you're huddled in the corner, because that's where he told you to go. There was a bright flash of yellow light, then silence apart from the TARDIS whirring. You look up.

"Y/N! Hello! Oh, new teeth. That's weird."

You don't say anything; you're in shock. And you already miss your Doctor.

He smiles at you. "Now then... what do I look like? No, no, no, no, no. Don't tell me. Let's see... two legs, two arms, two hands... Slight weakness in the dorsal tubercle." He reaches up to touch his hair. "Hair! I'm not bald! Big hair! Sideburns, I've got sideburns! Or really bad skin. Little bit thinner..."

He looks up at you and grins widely. "Go on then, tell me. What do you think?"

You look at him in silence, then finally ask, "Who are you?"

"I'm the Doctor," he replies, confused.

"No, you're not."

"I am! You just saw me regenerate, didn't you?"

You did - sort of. But... he's not like the Doctor. At all. You shake your head. "You're not him."

"No, I'm not," he says sadly, walking towards you. You back away, but he comes closer and grabs your hands.

There's a familiar air...

"I'm not him. I'm... new. Like a new model. I'm still the Doctor, though. I have the same memories, same experiences... and I still love you. That hasn't changed. All the physical things and parts of my personality may have changed... but that hasn't. And it never will... So, please, just give me a chance?"

You hesitate, then nod. "... O-Okay."

Ten -
The TARDIS is crashing, and your Doctor's just regenerated. This is... This is bad.

You're on the other side of the console, so you don't see him until he pops up from the floor.

That is not the Doctor.

I mean, he said he'd look totally different, but now that's it's happened... it's jarring.

"Y/N! Look at me!" he shouts. "Legs! I've still got legs. Good. Arms. Hands. Ooo, fingers. Lots of fingers. Ears, yes. Eyes, two. Nose, I've had worse. Chin, blimey. Hair. I'm a girl! No. No. I'm not a girl. And still not ginger. And something else. Something important. I'm..."

"What?!" you ask, concerned. He's still the Doctor, even if he's different.

He looks like... a confused puppy. He jumps. "Crashing!"

He starts messing with the console, flipping levers, pushing buttons. "Whoo hoo hoo! Geronimo!"

You smile ever so slightly. You'll need some time to get used to him, but... this'll work just fine.

Eleven -
Oh... Oh no.

He's old.

The TARDIS is crashing, you are a flurry of emotions, and the Doctor is now old.

Oh no.

"Kidneys!" he shouts. "I've got new kidneys! I don't like the color."

"Of your kidneys?" you ask, unable to look in his eyes; his excessively bushy eyebrows are distracting.

He ignores your question. "Are we crashing?"

"Yes!" you shout, panicked.

"Stay calm," he replies. "Just one question. Do you know how to fly this thing?"



You rush to the console and flip levers and push buttons, trying to figure out what the heck you're supposed to be doing. He watches. You glare at him. "COME HELP ME!"

He walks over and hits buttons. "What do these do?"

Oh no.

Twelve -

Bit of a shock.

"WOAH!" h- she shouts. You stare at her, completely in shock. You weren't aware this was something Time Lords could do. She smiles at you. "I'm so much younger! Nice, innit? My joints were really letting themselves go..."

You look at her, open-mouthed. "...Uh huh."

"Oh! My voice is higher. Oh, my cheekbones! Quite prominent, aren't they?"

"Uh huh."

She grabs her hair. "Oh, it's blonde! Have I ever been blonde befo- Oh, my hands! Nice. Two of them. Two ears, two eyes. Oh, what color are they?!"


"Cool beans! Oh... remind me never to say that again..." [r e f e r e n c e s] She starts to walk towards you then stops, looking at her chest. "What are these?"

Oh dear...

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