Preference: Defending You | Harry Potter

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Requested by @TeenageLonerGal

DJ_Tatortot helped, as is becoming the usual. Idoot.

Posting this now because I have over twenty imagines waiting to be posted and I need to get them published so here's a blast from the past with the old schedule.

Summary: He defends you.

QOTP: How much do you hate Snape?

Word Count: 1910

Draco -
"You're smarter than I thought, Y/L/N," Draco says on your way out of Potions; you just one-upped him in front of the entire class.

You smile. "Never underestimate me, Malfoy." You hear Pansy Parkinson giving him an earful as you walk away and smirk; you and Draco are in a secret relationship because you're a half-blood.

That night, after meeting Draco in the astronomy tower for a date, you're standing outside of the Slytherin common room with him.

"See you tomorrow at breakfast?" you ask, smiling. Draco kisses you, then pulls away, smiling back.

"Of course you will."

Well, you saw him at breakfast.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Pansy shouts as soon as she enters the dining hall, her eyes trained on you. Everyone goes silent and you can only watch as she storms over to you. "YOU THINK YOU CAN STEAL DRACO AWAY FROM ME?!"

You're already standing by then and screaming right back at her. "I DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING FROM YOU! YOU NEVER HAD HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE!"




"ENOUGH!" You'd expect it to be McGonagall or one of the other teachers, but it's Draco, who's just ran into the dining hall and is making his way towards you and Pansy.

Pansy smiles at him. "I knew you wouldn't let her take you away from me-"

He brushes past her and stands next to you, grabbing your hand. "She didn't steal me, Pansy. We've been dating for months now-"


"Don't. You're just gonna embarrass yourself more, okay? Walk away, and leave Y/N alone."

She glares daggers at him. "Blood traitor." Then, she storms off, leaving everyone confused and embarrassed for her, except for Dumbledore, who is very amused.

Draco turns to you. "Well, I guess it's not a secret anymore."

Fred -
You, Harry, Ron, Neville, and Hermione are all sitting at the Gryffindor table at lunch, minding your own business when Fred, George, and Lee sit down. Fred smiles and winks at you. "Hello, Y/L/N."

You shake your head at him, chuckling. "Hi, Fred."

"Will you leave it alone?" Hermione says to him as Harry and Ron laugh. "You've been rejected one too many times."

"I'll get there eventually," Fred replies, shrugging.

You roll your eyes. "Aren't you a little too old for me?"

"I'm only older by two years, Y/L/N. Maybe not even that."

You only laugh and turn away from him, continuing your discussion with Neville. About fifteen minutes later, Draco and a few of his Slytherin friends walk by. "Hey, mud-blood!"

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now