Preference: We Aren't Dating | Marvel

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Prompt #2
Requested by @SimonssSpier

DJ_Tatortot helped with Loki's.

Summary: You aren't dating. Apparently.

QOTP: Ant-man or Doctor Strange?

Word Count: 2308

Bruce -
You're at a party in Avenger's Tower, hosted by Tony, obviously. The whole night, you've been with Bruce, your best friend.

You're both scientists, so you work together a lot, and the friendship just sort of happened. You're pretty comfortable around each other; some would say you're more comfortable than friends typically are.

This is due in part because you and Bruce both like each other, but are too oblivious to notice and too scared to say anything.

So, after just about everyone who doesn't live at the tower has left, you're all sitting around and talking. By this point, you're getting tired, so you lay your head on Bruce's shoulder and he casually wraps his arm around you.

You zone out for most of the conversation, but you pay attention when you hear Tony say, "Alright, Natasha, serious question. Out of all of us, who do you wanna date the most?"

Natasha cocks an eyebrow, then glances at you and Bruce. "Well, I'd say Bruce, but he's already taken."

Your brows furrow. "What?"

"We aren't dating," Bruce says, confused.

Everyone looks at you two incredulously. Tony snorts. "Mhmm."

Bucky -
He's been kidnapped. You weren't sure how or why for a while, but you tirelessly worked to find him and figured out it was someone associated with Hydra. Probably did it for revenge.

When you found out he was missing, you all but broke down, then immediately set out to find him.

Meanwhile, Bucky was doing his best to resist this guy's attempts at getting him to go Winter Soldier. He put that all behind him when he met you - you helped him.

The guy's tortured and taunted him, though Bucky's endured worse.

"You know, any minute now, someone's gonna come bustin' in here and kill you. I'm friends with the Avengers."

"Oh, I'm aware," the man says. "I've taken precautions. So don't expect your little girlfriend - what's her name? - Y/N to come save you."

Bucky quietly corrects him. "We aren't dating."

The man smirks. "Oh, but you wish it were true, don't you? But-"

"Well, I wouldn't object." In typical action movie fashion, you enter at just the right time with a great line and the other Avengers trailing behind you, trying to keep up.

The man's face goes pale. "Crap."

Clint -
It's one of the rare moments when the world isn't in peril, and you decide to go out with Clint, one of your best friends. No one else would go with you, so here you are.

You've been out all day, shopping, walking, eating, etc. It's late now, and you're walking back to the base. The temperature starts dropping as the sun sets.

"I'm cold," you comment, rubbing your arms.

Clint starts taking off his jacket. "Here."

You shake your head. "No, that's okay. I'll manage." He takes his jacket off anyway and drapes it over your shoulders. You go to take it off. "But now you're gonna be cold."

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