Preference: First Kiss | PJO + HoO

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Some of these sucks oops

Summary: Your first kiss with your demigod (or cyclops) boyfriend. And, most of the time, it's cheesy [I know].

QOTP: Have you read the Kane Chronicles?

Word Count: 1013

Frank -
You two are on a quest to defeat a minor god. Pretty simple, a god no one really pays attention to.

But you need some help from Venus...

"So, yeah... How about it?" you ask her sheepishly, having just finished asking for help and explaining why. Frank smiles next to you. You bow ever so slightly.

"Let me think about it..." she trails off. "No."

"Please!" you plead. She still refuses.

Frank sighs. "Guess we'll have to find another way."

Then, you get an idea.

"What if I told you... Frank and I were... in love?" you ask. You don't look back at Frank, so you have no idea what he thinks of this plan.

Venus sits up in interest. "Really...? Prove it."

You look back at Frank, whose trying to fight the panic off his face. He's frozen in place, so you do the only thing you can think of.

You kiss him.

Grover -
You're hanging out with Grover in the forest, running around, goofing off, laughing.

"Y/N!" Grover calls, a few feet behind you. You stop and turn and the edge of clearing, only to have Grover run into you and knock you over. He falls on top of you [I know] and you both freeze, unsure about what to do.

You are dating and you haven't kissed yet. How more romantic could it get?

But you chicken out.

Grover starts leaning in and you panic.

"There's a bee!" you shout, shoving him off you.

He looks around after wincing a little from falling on a stick. "I don't see a bee."

"It was there, I swear. But, I, uh, guess it's gone now."

Grover sighs and stands. "Look, if you don't want to be together, that's fine. I understand. But-"

"No," you quickly say. "No, I do. I want to be together."

"Then what's wrong?" he asks, a subtle look of confusion on his face.

"It's just... I don't know, I panicked. I... I really like you - like, a lot. And I didn't want to screw it up..."

He smiles and wraps his arms around you. "I really like you, too - like, a lot."

And then you both lean in.

Jason -
You're sitting on top of Zeus' fist. It's your fourth date; Jason thought it'd be cute to watch the stars [I know].

"See any constellations?" he asks.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now