Preference: A Very Bad Idea | Marvel

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So I went to Universal and I got to hold Cap's shield and wow. Also, Hawkeye's is based on a personal experience.

Summary: He lets you try to use his weapon of choice. (I tried to word it to make sense okay).

QOTP: Which character's weapon would you rather wield?

Word Count: 2258

Bruce -
"Okay, we need to lay down some ground rules," he says, opening the door to his lab. You follow him inside, excited for the day ahead. With nothing else to do, Bruce agreed to let you help him. But, of course, there's rules. "Do not touch or smell anything unless I tell you to, and don't eat anything either."

"Well, obviously."

"Keep your lab coat on and buttoned, keep your goggles on, and pay extra attention when there's fire present. And tell me immediately if anything goes wrong."

You chuckle. "Okay, Bruce. Honestly, most of lab safety is common sense, anyway."

"I'm just trying to prevent an incident," he mumbles.

You get to work, only really dealing with water and getting him equipment at first. Then, he starts to let you handle chemicals, though not incredibly dangerous ones.

"Okay," he says. "This reaction is gonna be tricky, so I'm gonna pour it." There's a beaker with clear liquid in it in front of him, though you can't remember what he said it was called. He pours a foggy liquid from a graduated cylinder into it, then addresses you without looking away, pointing to two unlabeled test tubes on a rack. "Hand me the aluminum antimonide."

"Which one is it?" you ask.

"I dyed it red." Both test tubes have red liquid in them. Maybe they're both aluminum antimonide? He holds his hand out. "Hurry!"

This was a very bad idea.

You grab the one on the right and he pours it the beaker, which starts fizzing. He looks confused and kind of alarmed, and looks back up at you and the test tube rack. "Why is there still aluminum antimonide there?"

You look helpless. "There were two test tubes."

"One of them was aluminum antimonide, and it's the one sitting right there!"

"They were both red and you were rushing me!"

Bruce looks back the beaker, which is still fizzing. "I don't what I just did, but it doesn't look good." He tries to remember what the other test tube could've been, then he sighs. "It's fine. I know what it was. This mixture is harmless."

As he cleans it up to try the reaction again, you look at the counter and notice a small, coin-sized hole in it. "What happened here?"

Bruce looks over at it. "That wasn't there before..."

You laugh nervously. "That's strange, isn't it...?"

He sighs deeply.

Clint -
"This is awesome!" you say, grinning. Clint is helping you shoot his bow at the target in the training room. You shoot another arrow, Clint's hand over your own - he's basically controlling the bow and you're just... there. The arrow flies straight to the bullseye, directly in the middle. You laugh. "We just keep getting it right in the center! It's fun not to suck at something."

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now