One Day | Jack Kelly

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Requested by @Hufflepuff_Girl_13

Summary: You're the only girl newsie. You're new... and they're about to go on strike.

QOTP: Do you have a video of Mike Faist's foot going through one of the chairs during a performance? Because I need it.

Word Count: 1822

Jack and the other newsies are getting ready for another day of selling papes when one of the other boys notices someone new nervously waiting in line.

"Hey, Jack," Race says, "there's a new guy... I think."

Jack walks over, ready to greet this "new guy" and see what's he's all about.

Except he's not a he.

"Who are you?" Jack asks, a little too harshly.

You jump at the sound of his voice, turning to look at him. "I'm, uh, I-I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I-I'm gonna sell papers..."

Jack calms a little after the initial shock.

I mean, a girl newsie isn't forbidden... it's just unheard of.

"Right. Well, uh, I'm Jack Kelly. And these is the boys."

He gestures to each newsie respectively as he lists off their names.

"Crutchie, Albert, Buttons, Elmer, Finch, Henry, Mush, Mike, Race, Romeo, Sniper, and Specs."

Your eyes widen, seeing how many there are. And how they look like they haven't had a decent meal in weeks. Or a bath.

You don't know what to say, so you shyly wave at them, and Jack does the talking. He leans up against a cart of newspapers. "So, miss, what brings ya here?"

"Um, my... my father passed away and my mom doesn't have a job and she's... she's not takin' it well, so I have to support her somehow... Rather do this than shinin' shoes, I guess."

Jack's face softens and he gently pats you on the back. "Hey, tell ya what - you sell with me today. We split the profit 50/50. Deal?"

You give him a small smile and nod.

He gets in front of you in line, looks back at you, his face radiating the phrase: "I'll show you how it's done."

"Hello, Weasel. Fifty papes, please," he says with a smirk, putting his money down.

The man behind the cart of papers rolls his eyes. "It's Wiesel."

Jack reaches over, takes the man's hat off, and ruffles his hair. "Aw, I's just playin' with ya."

You stifle a laugh as the man grabs his hat back and glares harshly at Jack. Jack moves on and he turns to you.

You quietly stutter out a "Fifty papes, please," and put your money down.

The man laughs. "At this rate, it's looking like you're gonna be losin' your money; speak up, girl."

You look down and go to get your papes. The man handing them out smirks at you. "A girl? Well, there's plenty of other things you could be doing to make money."

You're about to let the horrible comment go and take your papers when Jack shouts, "Delancey, you's best not've said what I thinks you's just said."

"Let it go," you quietly whisper, but Jack hears you. He gives Delancey one final glare, then walks away with you to go sell papes.


"Papers! Getcha papers here!" Jack shouts, brandishing a newspaper. A man walks up to him and buys one.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now