Preference: Cute Moment | Harry Potter

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Shoutout to @hic_jack_hiro_dashi for all the votes and comments!

Some of these really suck.

Summary: Cute moment with your magical boyfriend.

QOTP: Which Marauder is your favorite?

Word Count: 1303

Draco -
You're eating breakfast in the Great Hall at the Y/H table. You and Draco keep glancing at each other; for some reason, Draco kept looking at you, so you started looking back.

No one knew you were dating; you honestly didn't know if it would work out. But it's been three months already and it's going swimmingly. Sure, a fight or two here and there, but you're certain you've fallen for him. And he's certain he's fallen for you.

You finish your breakfast, then stand to go get your books for Potions. Draco stands, too, and meets you at the doors, wrapping his arms around your waist.

This causes the volume in the Hall to lower, then spike as everyone starts whispering at once.

"Hello," Draco says, a stupid grin on his face.

You chuckle at this. "Hi, Draco."

He moves to stand beside you, an arm around your shoulders, then he kisses your cheek. You look at him suspiciously, "What is this?"

"Me, showing you affection," he says plainly as you continue to walk out of the Great Hall.


"Because I love you."

Fred -
You, Fred, and George are walking to Divination, Fred's arm around you. George, on Fred's other side, is talking about a new idea for a prank.

They continue to talk until you enter the Divination classroom, when Angelina Johnson runs up to George and asks if she'll be his partner for whatever it is you're doing today. You smile to yourself, knowing George likes her.

Fred sits down next to you as class begins, Professor Trelawney insisting you all read each other's tea leaves.

Once you've drank your tea, you hand your cup to Fred and he looks in his book to find the shape your leaves made.

"Professor?" he asks after a few moments.

She walks over, "Yes?"

"I can't find this blob anywhere in the book."

She takes the cup and looks into it, a smile immediately growing on her face. "I can see it - I can see it! You two are... soulmates! Absolutely perfect for each other! The leaves tell me you are going to be together for a very, very long time!"

She walks away, giddily thinking about young love.

Fred looks at you. "I hope, just this once, that she's right."

[oh dear]

George -
You're eating breakfast in the Great Hall. Today you're going to Hogsmeade with George (Fred is running off with Lee).

You look up at George and he smiles at you. You smile back, getting up from your table. He gets up as well.

"Race you to the carriages?" he proposes. Immediately, you take off.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now