Preference: New Years | Criminal Minds

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Spencer's is long oops.

Summary: New Years with your FBI... boyfriend. Sort of.

QOTP: Do you have any new years resolutions?

Word Count: 1247

Derek -
You spend New Years driving home from a case. You've been friends for years; you're partners.

The case you did was relatively close - an hour away - and it wasn't particularly urgent; no one was in immediate danger. So, you drove.

Now that you've put the killer away, you're driving back on New Years Eve. And, considering your huge crush on Derek Morgan, you've been thinking about that not-very-well-known tradition of kissing someone at midnight.

You've spent the drive thus far singing along to the radio very badly and talking a little about past cases and miscellaneous topics.

Then, the clock reads 11:50.

"Hey, ten minutes," you comment as a song goes off.

Derek glances at the clock, then turns back to the road. "Yep."

"Which means it's almost midnight. Almost next year."

He chuckles. "Yeah, it is."

"It's a shame we don't have any grapes," you joke.

He laughs. "And that we can't drink."

"Well you can't."

"Yeah, yeah."

It goes silent, then the clock turns to 11:53. He glances at the clock, then shrugs a little. "There's... one tradition we could do."

"And that would be?" you ask, hoping against all hope that he means what you think he means.

"You know... the midnight thing."

Your heart skips a beat. "The midnight thing?"

"Yeah... The midnight thing," he says, more flustered than you've ever seen him.

You laugh. "Derek Morgan, are you trying to ask me to kiss you at midnight?"

"... Maybe." He grins.

You grin back. "Then pull over in four minutes."


"It's 11:55."

"... Okay."


Both of you sit there, grinning like children, counting down every second until 11:59. Four minutes later, he pulls over, hands shaking. You silently count down until ten seconds are left, then you quietly count down out loud.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Luke -
You spend New Years Eve flying home from a case. It was a good case, as far as cases go; you saved lives and put the killer away.

You're sitting with Luke at a table, Emily and Rossi across from you. You have your head on Luke's shoulder, and his arm is wrapped around you.

"You two are so cute," Emily says.

Luke chuckles a little. "No, Y/N is the cute one."

"That was so cheesy," you say, rolling your eyes.

Rossi laughs. "Ah, young love."

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