Preference: You're My Boyfriend | Twenty One Pilots

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Tyler's is v short sorry

Summary: You need a boyfriend stat, and who better to ask than Josh or Tyler?

QOTP: Would you rather have Josh or Tyler as your boyfriend?

Word Count: 901

Josh -
Josh is very, very confused one day when he wakes up to a text from you that says:

You're my boyfriend.

I mean, it's not like he hasn't liked you for a while now, but, firstly, he didn't think you liked him back, and, secondly, you were very blunt.

What? he texts back.

And suddenly, you're calling him. Cautious and confused, he answers. "Hello?"

You sigh. "Okay, listen. So, I got Tinder, right? I wasn't doing very good just, you know, waiting, so I thought: Why not? Well, this is why.

"I matched with this guy. Super cute and two of his pictures were with his dog - which is a big factor, if I'm being honest. Well, I was like, 'I can't message people first; I'm too awkward.' So, I wait. Then, last night, he messaged me. It was going good and then... you know... he asked for stuff. And I was like, 'Heck no. If that was what you wanted from the start, you should've gone ahead and asked and not wasted my time.'

"So, he gets mad. And we're basically bickering back and forth, and I eventually tell him, 'I have a boyfriend.' And he's all, 'Then why are you on Tinder?' So, I said, 'I just wanted to see if he had a secret account on here.' Well, he obviously doesn't believe me because it's a horrible lie, but at this point, I have to go with it. So, he tells me to prove it. And I send him a picture... of you."

Josh goes silent. You sigh. "I'm sorry, okay, but you're, like, the only guy I readily have pictures of on my camera roll."

He pauses. "That sounds wrong."

"Josh! This is serious! I just can't let him win!" you shout, exasperated.

Josh laughs. "Well, what do you want me to do?"

"I sent him a picture of you and me together and he didn't believe we were actually dating because you're famous and all, so he wanted more proof. Basically, I need you to come over."

"To do what?"

"I don't know. Take pictures?"

"I mean, technically, no matter what you do, he still wins. We're not actually dating."


"Okay, okay. I'm on my way."


He didn't even change out of his pajamas. You sigh. "It's fine. We'll work with it."

You send a picture of him kissing your cheek, thinking that would be enough to convince him.

The guy still doesn't believe it.

Then, you freeze. Josh's brows furrow. "What?"

"He wants us to kiss."

"Hold on a second-"

"For proof, you know? He doesn't think we're actually dating."


"Well... I don't know!"

"The longer you wait, the less likely he is to believe it."

"Josh, I-"

Suddenly, the phone is out of your hands and his lips are on yours. You hear your phone taking pictures, but you're barely focusing on that. Then, he pulls away and sends the pictures as you sit in there in shock.

A minute later, Josh laughs. "He believes it! He said, 'Whatever.' We won!"

You dumbly nod. "Uh huh."

"What's wrong?" he asks, putting your phone on the couch next to him.

You struggle to find words. "You kissed me."


"You... kissed me."

Josh chuckles, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah... and I'll do it again... i-if you want."

"... Okay."

Tyler -
Tyler's having a good day, chilling on his break. And then you call him. He immediately becomes worried; you never call, just text. He answers. "What's wrong?"


Oh, boy.

He sighs. "What did you do?"

"Well, for starters... You're my boyfriend," you say.

He stops. "I'm sorry... what?"

"I told my family I had a boyfriend because I was tired of the teasing, and now they want me to bring him to our family reunion."

"And you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?"


"What are you gonna do when they find out you're lying? And even if they don't at the reunion, they'll ask about me later. What are you gonna say?"

"That we broke up. Look, we'll just tell them the truth - how we met, all that stuff. We'll just... pretend that we're dating. It'll be fine."

"... Alright, but if they figure it out, it's not my fault."

At the reunion, they don't stop asking him questions. About you, his job, everything. And he just told the truth... except for the fact that you're not actually dating. He almost slipped up a couple times. And so did you.

Ultimately, though, they loved him.

Too bad it was a lie.

In the car on the way home, you're driving. He looks over at you. "What if we weren't lying?"

"What do you mean?" you ask, glancing over at him.

"Like... what if we were actually dating?"

"... I'd like that."

He grins. "Really?"

You grin back. "Really."

A few minutes of you both grinning like idiots later, Tyler cocks an eyebrow at you. "So, are we ever gonna tell them that we were lying today, or are we gonna keep quiet and make it some family scandal they find out about at Thanksgiving in, like, twenty years?"

"Let's do the second thing."


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