Preference: French Mistake | Supernatural

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Summary: The French Mistake, but with you.

QOTP: Padeleski?

Word Count: 650

Cas -
"We need to find Cas," Dean says, he and Sam having just figured out they're actors who play themselves on TV.

Instead, they find Misha.

"J squared got me good... Starting to feel like one of the guys..."

Sam sighs. "If we can find Y/N maybe she can find Cas." You're dating Cas, and nine and half times out of ten, he answers you. The times he doesn't are matters of life and death.

Dean looks absolutely relieved when he sees you walking by, not even wondering why you're carrying a clipboard and wearing a headset. "Y/N! Y/N!"

You turn abruptly, this version of you wondering how Jensen even knows your name. "Yes...?"

"Are you stuck in this crazy world, too? Cas is... Misha. Sam's last name is Padaleski-" He stops, seeing the confused look on your face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ackles, I don't know what you're talking about..."

Sam looks defeated as he waves you off. "Never mind. Sorry for bothering you."

They watch you walk away sadly, and they notice your shy smile towards Misha as you pass him. Sam, despite the situation, smiles to himself. "Even in this crazy dimension..."

Once you're gone, Dean turns to Sam. "Why wouldn't she be an actress like us?"

"I don't know," Sam says. "Probably because, in our world, she's hidden from, like, everybody cause angels and humans aren't supposed to be a thing."

"That's so dumb."

Dean -
"This sucks," you say, kicking a rock across the lot. You just talked to Misha.

Dean snorts. "Well, yeah." After a pause, he adds, "And least you have a normal last name."

"Smith is as normal as they get," Sam says, chuckling.

You look around, sigh, then grab Dean's hand out of habit. "Let's find a way out of here."

As you walk down the lot, you all fail to notice the strange looks you're getting from everyone else. Then, you pass Misha again. He stops. "Guys?"

"What?" Dean asks, already exasperated.

"Aren't you... married?" Misha asks him, eyeing his hand in yours. He turns to you. "And don't you have a boyfriend...?"

You quickly drop Dean's hand and wave Misha off. "Oh, we were just... practicing a scene."

Misha nods and walks off as Sam holds back a laugh. Dean walks on angrily. "Is anything about this world normal? Can't even hold my girlfriend's hand..."

Sam -
They looked for you for a while, and finally decided you weren't there with them by the time it got dark. Then, they ride to "Jared's" house.

They're shocked when you walk happily down the hallway towards the front door. You smile when you see Sam, then your brows furrow when you see Dean. "Hey, babe. And Jensen! I... I haven't seen you in while."

Sam, trying to ignore what you just said, says, "Y/N?"

You laugh a little, confused. "No? She's not coming back from the dead in the next season, is she? Because nobody told me."

"What?" Dean asks.

"Well, I played her on TV, so if they were gonna bring her back... Are you two on something right now?"

"No," Sam quickly says, stepping forward and kissing your forehead. "Just a long day at work. We're gonna... go over some lines."

"Okay," you say, unsurely. You start to walk back down the hallway, saying over your shoulder, "Well, I'm just glad you two are talking."

Dean looks at your mantle and see's a picture of you and Sam - well, Jared - on your wedding day. He laughs, "Wow, Sam, you really are living your dream, aren't you?"

Sam looks at the picture, amazed. "Yeah..." Suddenly, he turns back to Dean. "I better figure out what her name is here."

Dean grimaces, going to peruse the kitchen. "Yeah, that seems like a good idea."

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