Grape Boy | Pietro Maximoff

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Prompts #31 and #40
Requested by @mrsracetrackhiggins

Thanks to @DJpaigeDJ for all the votes!

Possibly one of my weirdest imagine titles

Summary: You and Pietro are eating grapes and watching TV at 4am, and a certain Speedster has a confession to make...

QOTP: Do you like grapes?

Word Count: 754

"I bet you five dollars I can fit every grape in this bowl in my mouth," Pietro says, holding said bowl of grapes as he sits next to you on the couch at 4am, watching Friends reruns - because that's what superhero best friends do.

Considering the time, you're tired and your humor is certainly suffering for it.

You look away from the TV to look at him. "Just five dollars?"

"That is all the money I have at the moment, so yes. Five dollars," he repeats.

You consider the grapes, then say, "Open your mouth."

He looks at you strangely. "Why?"

"Just do it."

He opens his mouth as wide as he possibly can. You observe for a few moments, then nod. "Alright. Five dollars. Start stuffing, Grape Boy."

He begins stuffing his mouth, and he quickly ends up looking like a chipmunk. You laugh hysterically, taking a few pictures and looking forward to being five dollars richer all the while.

Eventually, he has two grapes left.

However, his mouth is full.

"Dude, it's over," you say, watching as he desperately tries to fit the last two grapes in. He continues trying for a bit, though, but then he realizes you're right and spits all of the grapes back into the bowl at once. You grimace. "Gross."

He holds the bowl out to you. "Would you like one?"

You push the bowl away and he laughs, sitting it on coffee table and getting five dollars from his pocket. You take it and put it in your own pocket. After a few moments' silence, he starts snickering.

"I just wanted to let you know that that five dollars I gave you actually came from your wallet. I wanted to get McDonalds for lunch tomorrow, so-"

"What?" you ask, completely turning to him now.

He holds his hands up in mock surrender. "I was kidding!" You turn back to the TV, relieved. He smiles and wiggles his eyebrows. "Or was I?"

"You need to stop spending time with Tony," you reply, though you're stifling a laugh.

"Why?" he teases. "Because you want me all to yourself?" You roll your eyes in response, causing him to laugh. "What, you don't like me? Was it the grapes?"

You try to stifle a laugh of your own. "No, it wasn't the grapes. I didn't even answer your question, anyway. I just rolled my eyes because you're a dork."

"I feel like I should be offended right now," he says jokingly.

"Well, maybe you should be," you joke back.

"I think I will be."

"I think that's a good idea."

"I think you're right."

You laugh. "I think you're-" You cut yourself from laughing because what you're about to say is absolutely hilarious. "I-I think y-you're Piertslow."

Pietro, surprisingly, doesn't laugh. He's too busy watching you laugh and having a realization.

It's 4am, you're his best friend, you look absolutely beautiful right now, and your laugh is the most wonderful sound he's ever heard.

Quietly - as you're calming down from laughing - he says, "I think I'm in love with you."

You stop completely, looking at him for a few moments. "Are... Are you on something right now?"

He sighs. "No, I'm not high."

"Then, you're just tired."

"Why do I have to be influenced by anything?" he asks.

"Because there's no way you're in love with me. There's just no way."

He turns toward you more, laying his head on the back of the couch. "Why not?"

"Because there's no way you feel the same way. That doesn't just happen in real life - only in fanfic. And this isn't fanfic; it's is real life. And in real life-"

He decides to cut off your ramblings with a kiss, and you're so shocked that you sit there, frozen, for half a minute.

Eventually, though, you start to kiss back.

He pulls away. You sigh. "Well, maybe there is a way."

He smiles. "There always has been."

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner?" you ask.

"Because I thought you would reject me."

"Well, I didn't," you reply, "so kiss me again, Grape Boy."

He laughs and presses his lips to your again, both of you smiling into the kiss.

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