Preference: Are You Mad at Me? | Harry Potter

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Part 2 of Preference: Amortentia | Harry Potter
Requested by @constellationquxxn

Summary: One boy was suspicious that the effects hadn't entirely wore off...

QOTP: Dean or Seamus?

Word Count: 1745

The day after you and Ginny lost Hogsmeade privileges and got detention, the boys are let out of the hospital wing. None of them seem to look at you when you pass them in the halls, which worries you.

They're definitely mad.

You don't blame them; you'd be mad, too. So, you go to apologize to them all separately, finding the boy you worry about losing the most first.

Draco -
You find him walking to Herbology with Crabbe and Goyle and run over, stopping him with a hand on his shoulder. He tells Crabbe and Goyle to go on without him, then looks back at you. "What?"

You already know the answer to your question by his tone, but you ask it anyway. "Are you mad at me?"

He quirks an eyebrow, arms crossed, otherwise looking disinterested. "Pretty much."

Your heart breaks into a million pieces at his tone, not to mention his words. You feel panicked, wanting him to forgive you more than anything in the world. "Draco, I'm sorry. I messed up."

He shrugs a little. "I know."

You don't know what to do; you can't lose him. You fumble for something to say. "Can I make it up to you somehow?"

"Not really."

You're basically pleading with him now. "Draco-"

"You humiliated me, you know that?" he interrupts, anger finally evident in his voice. "Blaise won't shut up about it, not to mention the rest of the school."

Tears starts pooling in your eyes, but he doesn't notice. "I'm sorry."

"You said that already."

The tears start pouring, then. "And I'll say it hundred times if that's what it takes for you to forgive me."

His face involuntarily softens, and he doesn't sound as angry as before. It gives you hope. "You're making it very difficult to be mad at you right now."

You don't know what to say. "... Sorry?"

He sighs frustratedly. "Stop being cute."

You get flustered at his blunt words and start stuttering. "I- wh-what? Um... okay? I'll try?"

"You're not trying very hard."

"I don't know how to not be cute!" you reply, at a loss. "I'm confused!"

He sighs again, running a hand through his hair, "Just... you can't. You're always cute."

You stop, looking at him suspiciously. "Are you sure that potion wore off?"

"Positive," he replies immediately.

"Oh..." is all you know to say. He thinks you're cute? What?

He turns to look at the greenhouses. Class is about to start. Looking back at you, he decides it's now or never. "Meet me in the Astronomy tower at 10pm."

You blanch. "Do you want me to get even more detention?"

"You asked how to make it up to me..."

He's got you there. "Alright, then. I'll be there."

To you surprise, he leans over and kisses your cheek. "Good." With that, he heads to class.

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