You Like Her | Dirk Gently

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Requested by @YukiTasuku and @GDyson

Summary: Dirk has feelings for you, but he's oblivious...

QOTP: What would happen in your ideal season three?

Word Count: 830

"That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. And I want in."

These were some of the first words Dirk ever heard you say. (The actual first words you said to him were, "Who are you and what are you doing in my garage?" The ones above directly followed his explanation.)

Since then, you've been best friends. Todd, Farah, Amanda, and the Rowdy 3 are also close friends, but there's something between you and Dirk that's been different from the start. He tends to blame it on the universe.

"What time is Y/N coming over?" Todd asks Dirk. It's become a trend for you to come over to their apartment every day, though the time varied based on your schedule.

(They moved in together after Wendimoore, a few blocks down from their newly established Detective Agency.)

"Not sure," Dirk replies, though he's hoping it's soon. He hasn't seen you since yesterday, and for some reason that seems like a very long time.

As if on cue - again, the fault of the universe - the door opens and you walk in, flopping down onto their couch. "Hello, boys. Have any cereal to spare?"

"Not enough for the three of us, but you'll just eat it anyway," Todd says, turning the TV on.

You stand and make your way to the kitchen, where Dirk is making a cup of coffee. "You're off brand," you say to him.

"What?" he asks.

You reach up and open the cabinet directly up and to the left of him, causing your side to be pressed against his as you grab the box of cereal. He freezes, and barely hears your reply. "You're British; you're supposed to drink tea."

As you move away, making your way toward the fridge for the milk, Dirk can only stand there and wonder what just happened. His mind just... shut off. "Odd," he mumbles to himself, lifting his mug and blowing the coffee to cool it.

About a minute later, you've returned to the couch, cereal in hand. You sit next to Dirk, who's still sipping his coffee. He lifts his mug and you lift your spoon at the same time, causing you to bump elbows. "Watch what you're doing, Gently," you say, feigning anger.

He doesn't respond, trying to figure out why that moment seems so significant to him.


"That was a surprisingly easy case," Todd says, opening the apartment door at around 1 am, you and Dirk following behind him.

"It involved a ghost, a blue-footed booby, a rake, and a slice of carrot cake. It was far from easy," you argue, pushing past him and laying down on their couch.

"Yes, but we solved it in a day," Dirk adds, laying down on the floor next to the couch. You're on your stomach, and he's laying on his back, putting you in the position to dangle your arm off the couch and mess up his hair.

"Th-That wasn't very nice," he complains, that moment being just as significant as when you bumped elbows and that moment in the kitchen.

"I'm not very nice," you joke, already half-asleep. Todd only laughs and takes some leftovers out of the fridge, then heads to his room.

"Are you going home?" Dirk asks.

"I'm too tired."

"Then get off the couch."


"Because I'm sleeping there."

"You have a bed."

"That you're going to sleep in."

"No. I'm not getting up," you argue. "So you're just going to have to sleep in your own bed." He sighs, but doesn't move, opting to stay on the floor. You shove his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"I'm staying here."


"Because I don't want to get up."

You don't respond, just tuck your arm back under you and close your eyes. Dirk doesn't, however, and just looks up at you. He can't look away.

And he doesn't know why.


"Todd, there is something wrong with me," Dirk declares the second you leave. Todd looks over at him, confused.


"There is something wrong with me." Dirk tells Todd about the incidents of the past twenty four hours; the kitchen, bumping elbows, and how he couldn't look away from you last night.

Todd looks at him for a solid minute. "Dirk. You like her."


"You like her," Todd simply repeats.

Dirk sits down, thinks for a moment. Then, his eyes widen. "I like Y/N."

"Who could've told you that," Todd deadpans.

"What do I do?" Dirk asks.

Todd shrugs. "Tell her?"

"Do you think she's still here? In the building?"

"I don't know! Go!"

Dirk jumps up, running down the hall and down the stairs, just catching you outside the front doors. He stops you, catches his breath for a few seconds, then says, "I like you."

You grin. "I like you, too."

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