Slip Away | Peter Parker

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Let me explain something so this imagine will make sense: At dance competitions each dance is scored and given a rank individually. Those rankings (which can vary) are, from lowest to highest: Silver, Gold, High Gold, Platinum, and Platinum Plus. Then, they do overall awards where every dance in a category (based on age, dance style, and sometimes amount of practice or skill) is ranked together and then the first, second, third, etc. place come in. Then, they do overall top scores.

I basically choreographed an entire dance for this imagine...

There are NO Endgame or Far From Home SPOILERS.

Summary: You and Peter have known each other for years because you dance together, and this year you're doing a duet, which could lead to something more...

QOTP: Have you ever taken dance?

Word Count: 4007

You've known Peter Parker since you were three years old. You both started taking dance that year, and you were in the same class. His spot in your dances was always next to yours.

You danced together for about two years when, in the middle of the year, he just stopped coming. You had no idea why until your parents gently explained to you that Peter's parents were gone.

The next year, he was back, and his aunt was bringing him to class (sometimes his uncle, too). You were over the moon.

You were never best friends; you went to different schools, and therefore mostly just saw each other once a week at practice and at recital — and competition when your group started doing it. But you were definitely close.

After one recital, it was late, and you were sitting outside a restaurant your group decided to go to before heading home. You were by yourselves, and he told you why he started dancing in the first place.

"My mom used to dance," he said, a sad smile on his face. "I saw pictures of her dancing and the costumes she kept. I watched the videos my grandmother took of her at her recitals, too. And I wanted to be just like her. Then, I quit when she and my dad died. I almost didn't come back. But... I feel closer to her when I'm dancing."

For the next seven years you danced together. Everything was great, save the general awkwardness when you started middle school.

Then, when you were both twelve, Peter's uncle died. He quit again, right in the middle of the year. You still tried to keep in touch, but you hardly ever texted. You thought about him a lot, though.

The next year, before class started up again, you texted him.

Are you coming back this year?

Surprisingly, it didn't take him long to reply. I don't know. Then, I kind of want to.

You should. Then, you typed, I've missed you, deleted it, and sent We've missed you instead.

It took him longer to reply. May wants me to. Said she could tell how happy it made me.

If it makes you happy then you should.

I'll think about it. A few minutes after that, he asked for the time and date of the first class.

He showed up, and you couldn't've been happier.

Flash forward to about four years later, and you're juniors in high school, still as close as ever.

You've signed up to do a solo this year, which you've been doing for a few years now. Peter did one last year, but he wants to do something else this year — a duet.

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