The Black Warrior | Peter Parker

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Requested by @najahisadankmeme

DJ_Tatortot helped with this one, which isn't shocking in the least. Idoot.

Also, I'm gonna start posting on Wednesdays, too because I have a ton of stuff lined up.

Summary: You get saved by Spiderman, then decide to learn how to save yourself and others...

QOTP: What would your superhero name be?

Word Count: 2131

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you to your car?" Sam asks, watching as you take your name tag off. You're about to leave; Sam told you to just head home because of the lack of customers. You work in the mall with him at [store, which, even though you have an infinite number of options, will likely be Hot Topic], and it's currently dark out.

You shake your head, grabbing your bag. "I'll be fine, Sam."

"Are you sure?" Sam asks. "You've heard the stories; bad things happen in mall parking lots at night."

You chuckle, making your way out. "Thanks, Sam, that's very comforting."

"Will you at least call me when you make it to your car?"

You turn, halfway out the door, and smile at him. "Yeah."


The parking lot is practically empty, save a few cars and a small group of people congregated around one of those trash cans slash ash trays outside the main entrance.

You speed walk toward your car, slightly regretting the fact that you didn't let Sam walk you to it; you're a good ways away.

In a few minutes, you make it to your car and unlock it, relief washing over you. Sam was just being paranoid; you're fine.

That was a premature notion.

"You got any money in that bag?" someone behind you asks. You jump and turn, cautious but not exactly scared; it could just be someone asking for money.

"I-I have some cash, yeah," you reply, about to reach into your bag. Then, the man pulls a switch blade out of his pocket.

"How about you just hand it all over nice and easy, okay?"

Your heart rate spikes and you swallow, unable to do anything but nod and grab your wallet from your bag, pulling money out.

Before you can hand the man anything, your phone rings, causing you to jump and drop your bag and wallet. Your phone tumbles out on the concrete, and you can see that Sam's calling. The man glances at the screen. "You can talk to your boyfriend, later - give me the money."

"O-Okay," you stutter out, your shaking hands finding the wallet and opening it.

"You know, it's more satisfying to have money that you actually earned. And less illegal," another voice calls out. You can't see who it is because they're standing out of the light, but you think it's a man.

The man with the knife laughs dryly. "You know, it's more satisfying to not get stabbed, but you're getting pretty close to it."

Then, the other man steps into the light. "Did you really just threaten Spiderman?" The man with the knife turns towards the hero, his back to you. He's completely caught off guard, so, in a burst of confidence, you kick him in the back of the knee, causing him to crumple. Spiderman shoots a web at the man's hand - the one holding a knife - and sticks it to the ground. Then, he looks over at you. "Nice."

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now