Remember the Tour Bus? | Josh Dun

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Requested by @lmaoriver

This specific soulmate AU was made up by somebody else (on tumblr), so if you know who, please comment!

Summary: You're Tyler Joseph's little sister, and you have a crush on his best friend, Josh Dun. He has a crush on you, too. Add in the fact that every time you kiss someone, their name appears on your skin, and if it doesn't go away after twenty four hours, they're you're soulmate, then things get even more complicated.

QOTP: Vessel era or Blurryface era?

Word Count: 2615

Being on tour with your brother and his best friend is fun. Add in the fact that they have an actual tour bus this time around, and that makes it even better.

What doesn't make it better is the fact that you have a crush on your brother's best friend, Josh.


Anyway, you know Tyler would flip if anything ever came of it, so you've been trying to get over it. However, he doesn't make it easy for you.

He's just so sweet to you all the time, and you know that's only because you're Tyler's little sister (even if you are just two years younger). Still, you can't help but wonder...

You're starting to think that maybe it's because you just want somebody, and Josh is the closest option. It's just hard seeing couples around you, happy, with each other's names written somewhere on their bodies. Soulmates.

You just want to find yours.

You've tried before. A few guys seemed like they could be the one, but twenty four hours after you kissed them, their names disappeared from your body, and you knew it wasn't meant to be.

So, you sit, and you wait, not letting yourself think that maybe you'll never find your soulmate at all.

"Y/N?" A hand is waving in front of your face — Josh's. He raises his eyebrows at you, looking a little concerned. "You okay?"

You'd been thinking about your soulmate again, lost in your thoughts. You smile a little to reinforce your answer. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out for a second, that's all."

"Okay..." He's skeptical, but he doesn't want to push it. If you wanted to tell him, you would.

He just really wishes you would.

Unbeknownst to you, Josh has a crush on you, too. He knows if he ever did anything about it, Tyler would flip, but he's more scared of rejection than that. Honestly, he kind of hopes that you're soulmates. Tyler couldn't argue with it, then, and you wouldn't reject him. Not if you were made for each other. But, if he actually finds out that you aren't, then that's it. That tiny sliver of hope that's holding out against that one in a billion chance is gone. So, he tries not to think about it.

"Alright, we're out of snacks," Tyler announces after searching through the cabinets. "I'm gonna go out and grab some from a convenience store or something. Anyone wanna come with?"

He looks at the two of you sitting on the couch together. You grimace. "No, not really."


Josh grimaces, too. "I mean, I'm already in my pajamas and everything..."

Tyler sighs. "Alright, fine. But neither of you get any input on what I buy."

"Think of it this way," you say. "You can really get some introspection in while you're looking for the good beef jerky."

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now