Pretty Girls and Movie Quotes | Peter Parker

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This was originally gonna be really sad, so you're welcome. (I could do part two, though...)

Summary: You move to Queens and meet Peter Parker.

QOTP: What's your favorite movie quote?

Word Count: 4551

"No, I'm not going to crawl on the ceiling, Ned."

It was a strange statement that caused you to stop walking and look down the hallway towards the speaker. Two boys were entering an apartment two doors down from yours, backpacks on their backs.

The boy with brown hair, who instantly caught your eye, unlocked the door and they went inside.

"Well, he was cute." You turn and find your mom smirking at you.

You sigh. "Sure. I guess."

"Oh, come on," she replies, nudging you gently with the box she's carrying. "You're just upset because I told you so."

"Just because one of our neighbors is cute doesn't mean that I'm gonna like it here," you say, heading into your new apartment and setting down the box you had in your hands.


"Bye, mom," you say for the umpteenth time.

She starts to follow you out, adjusting your backpack on your shoulders as you go. "Are you sure you don't want me to walk with you? Just for today?"

"I remember the route from yesterday, Mom. I'll be fine." You started school yesterday and she had to go with you considering it was your first day.

Today, you're determined to go alone.

But that apparently won't be happening.

When you reach the ground floor, you notice someone familiar also exiting the building.

Cute Neighbor Boy walks to school, too, and you noticed yesterday that he was in two of your classes. You speed up a little to catch up with him. Weird as he may be, you forgot exactly how to get to Midtown High.

And he's cute.

"Hi," you say, a little quieter than you intended.

He turns, seemingly unfazed by your sudden introduction, which would've scared the bajeebees out of anybody else. His head tilts to the side a little, kind of like a confused puppy's would. "Hi... Have we met?"

"No, not formally," you reply, trying to fight down the blush on your cheeks and actually look at him like a normal person would in conversation. "We have a couple classes together. I'm, uh, new."

"Oh, yeah!" he says. "Y/N, right?"


"I'm Peter."

After a short pause, you clear your throat a little; this interaction is starting to get real awkward real fast. "Well, uh, I kind noticed we're neighbors, and I can't exactly remember where I'm going..."

Peter's brows raise in genuine interest. "We're neighbors? That's a cool coincidence. And don't worry about getting lost or whatever. We can walk together." You blush, fully aware that he's just being nice but really wanting to read into it more. He takes your lack of reply as a bad sign. "Sorry," he says, "I get nervous talking to pretty girls." You blush even harder, literally unable to form a reply, which he also takes as a bad sign. "Sorry," he repeats, genuine this time. "I've heard it in a couple movies, just finally got the opportunity to use it in real life."

You laugh. "It's okay. Thanks."

He chuckles, looking down at the ground, then back up at you. "I should leave it to the professionals, though, right?"

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