Preference: Dance Dads | Criminal Minds

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This is the best idea I have ever had.

Summary: You and your FBI husband have a two-year-old daughter in dance. I think you can imagine how this is gonna go...

QOTP: Do you dance?

Word Count: 1222

Derek -
"Are you sure?" he asks.

You sigh, grabbing your keys, "Yes, babe. You will be fine."

"Isn't there someone else who can take her?" he pleads.

"She's your daughter, Derek. And she misses you. A lot. Please just take her to dance class."

"Alright... Alright, little love."

He walks over and kisses you. "Love you."

"Love you, too," you reply, walking out the door.

"Into battle," he mutters, going upstairs to find his daughter playing in her room.

She looks up at him with her big, Y/E/C eyes; they're just like yours. "Are you taking me to dance class?"

"Yeah, baby. I'm taking you to dance class."

Maybe this won't be so bad...

"Alright, what are we wearing?" he asks, sitting on her floor.

She runs over to her dresser and opens the drawers, pulling out tights, a leotard, and a dance skirt. Then, she sits on the floor. "You have to put on my tights first."

Derek nods, then attempts to put on the tights, but it takes longer than he expected. "Daddy, you have to bunch them up first," she whines. After that fight, she stands up and hands him her leotard.

He holds it out and she starts to step into it, placing her little hands on his broad shoulders so she doesn't fall over. Then, the same for the skirt.

"Now you have to put my hair in a ponytail," she says, taking his hand and leading him to the bathroom.

He finds the ponytail holders and attempts to put up her hair like you do for about fifteen minutes. Finally, he manages.

"Go get your bag, sweetheart," he says. She runs down the hallway and into her room, nearly falling a couple times. A few seconds later, she shoots out of the room and down the stairs, all the way to the car.

"Come on! Come on, daddy! Let's go!"

He chuckles to himself, then puts her in her car seat. Before closing the door, he kisses her forehead.


"Hayley!" Y/D/N shouts the second she gets to class. The other girl, Hayley, runs to meet your daughter. Derek recognizes the girl from the few play dates he's been home for.

"Oh, you're Y/N's husband, right?" the dance teacher asks.

Derek nods, "Yeah, that's me."

"You're in the FBI, aren't you?" a mom asks.

Derek turns, nodding, "Uh, yeah. I'm in the BAU."

What Derek didn't notice was that virtually all of the moms thought he was spicier than in the pictures you'd shown them... [hOT tamale]

"Daddy! Daddy!" Y/D/N shouts, unknowingly saving him from an awkward conversation with the moms.

He quickly walks over to her and crouches to her height. "Yeah, baby?"

"Watch me, okay?" She looks at him seriously, her eyes widening a bit.

He nods, just as serious. "Of course, sweetheart, I'll watch you. I'll be right outside this window, okay?"

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now