Triwizard Champion | George Weasley

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I don't know why most of my Fred/George imagines revolve around the Yule Ball, but here's another one...

Summary: You're a Triwizard champion and you need a date for the Yule Ball...

QOTP: GoF or OotP?

Word Count: 5419

The Triwizard Tournament is being held here, at Hogwarts, for the first time in 202 years.

You're eighteen, which means you're eligible to put your name in the Goblet in order to be a Champion. AKA, in order to actively put yourself in near-death situations.

Probably even death situations.

Anyway, your best friend, Cedric, convinced you to put your name in with him. "It'll be fine. You won't get chosen anyway."

And then you do.

You, a boy named Viktor Krum from Durmstramg, and a girl named Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons.

Oh, and Harry Potter.

After the Champion's meeting, you meet up with Cedric.

"I can't believe you convinced me to do this!" you shout at him while walking back to the Hufflepuff common room. "If Harry Potter's involved, something bad is definitely going to happen. Maybe even something to do with Vold-"

"Why do you insist upon saying his name?" Cedric cuts you off.

"'What's in a name?'" you sarcastically quote. "'That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.'"

"You sound overtly pretentious right now," Cedric replies, almost irritated, after a pause.

"I'm going to die before the school year is over," you argue, "so I'm allowed to be pretentious."

"You're not going to die."

"Why don't you tell that to my corpse after I get decapitated by something? Or Moldy Voldy casts a killing curse on me?"

"That's not funny, Y/N."

"I know!"

There's another pause, then Cedric sighs. "You're gonna be fine. Promise."


In the time between that meeting and the first task, a few things happened. Draco Malfoy made 'Potter Stinks' badges for anyone who disliked Harry to wear, you had a photo session, and the Wand Weighing Ceremony took place. All was well.

Then, Harry told you what the first task was going to be. You didn't know how he knew, but he did, and you hoped he was lying.

He wasn't.

You have to face a dragon.

The day of the task, you learn the goal is to get a golden egg away from said dragon. First, you choose which dragon you're facing out of a bag, simultaneously choosing the order you have to go in.

You're first.

While you had time to read up on dragons, it didn't help much, so you have to think fast. Looking around, you find rocks and a dragon guarding a cluster of white eggs, a golden one sitting among them.

Then, you spot bright, ginger hair in the stands: Fred and George Weasley. They're jumping and cheering, and that coupled with their hair makes them hard to miss.

You mumble a thanks to the oblivious boys; they just gave you an idea.

You cast a spell, causing bright, loud fireworks to emit from your wand. Quickly, you toss the wand as far away from the eggs as possible and circle around the distracted dragon. As the dragon heads for your wand, you grab the golden egg and start to sneak away, absolutely floored at how well your plan worked.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now