Mystery Waiting to Be Solved | Billy Hargrove

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Prompts #22 and #29
Requested by @kindakayo
(Changed #22 just a smidgeon but it's fine.)

Idoot helped DJ_Tatortot

TRIGGER WARNING mentions of abuse

If I portray something inaccurately (in regards to the mentions of abuse), please tell me so I can fix it!

Summary: You're dating Billy Hargrove, which doesn't make sense to most people. In fact, it barely makes sense to you. But when his stepsister, Max, goes missing, you figure out the mystery of Billy Hargrove...

QOTP: Lucas and Max or Dustin and Max?

Word Count: 3155

You're not sure why you're dating Billy Hargrove, if you're completely honest with yourself.

He just moved in one day — completely out of the blue — and you saw him at school, your first thought being that he was cute. He thought you were cute, too, so he walked over and started talking to you.

He was charming, in his own way, and you knew practically nothing about him, save his name and the fact that he's your age. He asked you out on a date, right then and there, smoothly calling it a tour around the neighborhood, since he was so new to the area.

You don't know what possessed you to say yes, but you did.

You went on that date, and you actually had fun. He didn't even try to kiss you at the end of the night. So, you went on a second date. Then, a third (after which he kissed you). Then, a fourth. And a fifth. And a sixth. At some point, without discussion, it was just a given that you were dating. Mutually exclusively. Going steady. Boyfriend and girlfriend.

And yet, you still know almost nothing about him. Sure, you know what kind of music he likes to listen to, what foods he likes to eat, and basic stuff like that. But he never talks about anything deeper than that — he doesn't even talk about his family. You only found out he had a stepsister because you saw her getting into his car after school and asked him who she was. He told you, but he changed the subject quick, sounding angry when he answered.

So, even if he argues with you about everything, shows up at random times of the evening/night, asking you to come with him on a drive, and gets jealous so easily you can barely breathe in another guy's direction, you stay with him. He's not the way he is for no reason, and you intend to find out what the reason is.

He's a mystery waiting to be solved.


"Is she comin' or what?" Billy complains, leaning against the hood of his car as he waits for Max.

You're leaning next to him. "I'm sure she is, babe. Just wait a few more minutes."

"You said that five minutes ago."

"I know..."

You wait a couple moments in silence, then Billy angrily sighs. Apprehensively, you watch the school doors, waiting for Max to walk out. The longer she takes, the madder he gets.

"I'm leavin' her," he says abruptly, getting up and opening the driver's side door.

You instinctively lean over and touch his arm, causing him to pause. "Just hold on-"

"I told her I was gonna leave her here if she didn't-"

You hear the sound of skateboard wheels on pavement. "Relax. I'm right here."

"Took you long enough," Billy complains, getting in the car and slamming the door. You gingerly get in the passenger side, and Max gets in the back. Billy starts the car, music immediately blaring. "I told you I wasn't waiting on you," he says angrily.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now