Fin Fang Foom | Tony Stark

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Idoot helped DJ_Tatortot

Summary: Just wait.

QOTP: Did this imagine make you cry?

Word Count: 682

Life is great - peaceful, even. Thanos is dead, Tony and Cap made up, and while there's still some tension between Tony and Bucky, they both apologized and agreed to be civilized around each other for Steve's sake.

Most of the Avengers, while the team is back together, are out doing other things.

Cap, Sam, and Bucky are on a road trip you'd give anything to have a twelve-hour documentary about, Wanda is with Vision on their honeymoon, Thor is trying to find Jane, Clint is back home with Nat, and Bruce is in Hawaii.

Peter, meanwhile, is still living with his Aunt May while struggling through college, but he visits the Avengers base often to train and/or hang out with you and Tony, his newfound parents (besides Aunt May, of course).

Everything is calm. The world is safe.

Then, Fin Fang Foom makes an appearance.

He's an alien - a shapeshifting one, called a Makluan - and he and others of his race have been posing as humans in China for centuries, intending to conquer Earth.

He was the back-up plan, put to sleep to wait until he was needed.

Now, Plan B is awake.

And Plan B is a dragon.

"MR. STARK," Peter shouts, "IT'S A FREAKING DRAGON!"

"I CAN SEE THAT, PETER!" Tony shouts back.

You look up at the giant, scaly, green, purple-pants-wearing dragon from your spot next to Tony on the ground. "Are we... Are we fighting a dragon right now?"

"Well, he's trying to take over Earth, so... yeah," Tony replies, shrugging.

You sigh. "And suddenly I'm Bilbo Baggins."

"Then I'm Legolas 'cause he's the hot one," Tony says, flying up to Peter, who's on top of a building. You follow, wearing a suit that somewhat resembles Tony's with most of the same functions.

"How are we gonna do this, Mr. Stark?" Peter asks.

Tony shrugs. "I don't know, Frodo. I've called most of the team - they're all on their way back right now."

"Let's take out his eyes." Both Peter and Tony look at you strangely. You look back at them with the same expression. "What? If we take out his eyes, he can't see."

"I..." Tony sighs. "Alright, fine, you do that. Underoos, you try to web him up. I'm gonna call Thor again; he never answered."

You take off, flying up to the dragon. "Hey, discount Hulk!" You shoot and hit him in his left eye. He swats at you, so you're forced to retreat as Peter steps in and starts tying him up in webs.

Tony flies over to you. "Thor's still not answering, but Cap's close."

"He can't do much to a giant dragon. Maybe Sam can 'cause he can fly, but..."


"Where's Wanda and Vis?"

"Also on their way. Bruce won't be able to be here for a while. Clint and Nat are heading this way, too, but there's not much they could do either." He sighs. "I'm gonna go take out his other eye. Get civilians out of the way."

"On it."

It takes you about ten minutes to get the remaining civilians out of the way, then another fifteen to coordinate with police - close off the area, look for any civilians you might've missed, shoot the dragon wherever you think it'll do the most damage, and keep all the fire departments on standby.

You fly back up to the dragon, where Tony has taken out its other eye. It broke free from Peter's webs. "Mr. Stark, this isn't working very well!" he shouts, swinging by.

"I know, kid!" Tony replies. "Keep trying!" He turns and sees you, so you both land to talk.

"Nothing's working," you sigh.

"I know," Tony replies, surveying the damage around you. "I'm tempted to call up those weird space guys."

You gasp. "The wizard! Call the wizard! He can-"

Suddenly, the dragon's massive foot comes down and crushes you, killing you instantly and somehow missing Tony completely.

Suddenly, the dragon's massive foot comes down and crushes you, killing you instantly and somehow missing Tony completely

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^ there he is, in all his glory

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